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could you bring this to fs 25 as these tankers are what we use in the united states and ingame all the tankers are diffrent.

Hey sorry for bothering I know your probable busy but I just redownloaded these tanks and there not showing up in the store I was wondering if you would know why?

When on earth are you releasing these on consoles


facts lol

Just they way console players always assume mods will come to console should be reason enough to not make mods for consoles.

Why can I not find the Precision Farming Manure Sensor option in my store for the tanks? The tanks, my game, and Precision Farming are all 100% up-to-date, but I cannot see the option for manure sensor anywhere.

Thank you

so i just downloaded the GEA/Houle pack and i don't get the options for the ladder ,light caps, or disks... Any trick?

amazing mod so much details 

Thank you for the hard work and the public release! This is awesome!

thanks for the releases again


Nice! Now to wait the predicted 1 hour for it to be available... I've been watching & waiting for these, thanks!

Same here, been waiting a long time for these bad boys. This will be a very long hour lol


are you going to have to big gea tank, the American 9500-10500 quad axle spreader?


there are no 10500 but there is a 9500us gallon in there

Any guess when this will be ready? I've literally been searching for a gea Houle tank since fs22 came out. Ya, there's a couple available but they don't even have connection hoses. I can't play with mods that aren't realistic and these ones are amazing. You did such a good job I cannot wait to get it


keep an eye out. its gonna be released before christmas!