Tags: dark savior


fandoms 33-36


Title: I Fought the Angels
Fandom: Contact
Characters/Pairings: Terry
Rating: pg-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, angst
Word count: 158
Summary: To fight them will require a miracle.
note: randomly selected fandom and theme ('Zero no Kiseki')

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Title: Valhalla of the Forsaken
Fandom: Gynoug
Characters/Pairings: Wor
Rating: 15/gen
Tags: mild horror, angst
Word count: 238
Summary: They were tricked onto the pedestals with promises of heroism and immortality.
note: randomly selected fandom and theme ('Tock's Taunt - Loke's Treachery')
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Title: No Paladin
Fandom: The Witcher
Characters/Pairings: Geralt, OC
Rating: 15/gen
Tags: mild sexual references, religious discussion, AU
Word count: 727
Summary: He's happy to work for her, angel or not, but he's not signing up his soul to any divine crusade.
note: randomly selected fandom and theme ('Merkabah Battle')

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Title: Aerie
Fandom: The Witcher/Dark Savior
Characters/Pairings: Ciri, Kurtliegen
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, AU, fusion, dimension hopping
Word count:  404
Summary: He's happy to work for her, angel or not, but he's not signing up his soul to any divine crusade.
note: randomly selected crossover

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fandoms 21-24

Title: Amber Magatama
Fandom: Dark Savior/Shin Megami Tensei
Characters/Pairings: Kurtliegen, Bilan
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: fusion AU
Word count: 320
Summary: Only one known prison can reliably hold demons on Earth.

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Title: Light-Souled
Fandom: Shining Force/Undertale
Characters/Pairings: Max, Asgore, Gaster
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: fusion AU, implied fourth wall shenanigans, dark
Word count: 256
Summary: Asgore manages to get the last soul he requires, traded to him in return for mutual homecoming.

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Title: If I Fit...
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Burning Blade
Characters/Pairings: Oswin, Serra
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: humour, random
Word count: 253
Summary: In which we learn how many cats fit in Oswin's armour. (spoilers - The answer is: all of them.)
Note: Randomly chosen fandom and prompt 'Pericci' (as in, the Star Ocean character. The first thing I thought of was that she has a funny scene where she somehow fits herself and about four cats inside a decorative suit of armour)

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Title: High Spirits
Fandom: StreetPass plaza games (cafe, quest)
Characters/Pairings: King!Mii/Ultimate Ghost, cafe owner
Rating: PG-13/slash
Tags: headcanon (all plaza games happen in one world), human/ghost
Word count: 381
Summary: The former adventurer's tavern was becoming quite the place for undead-human mediation.
Note: Randomly selected fandom and prompt - 'moderate'.

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fandoms 11 and 12


Title: Yours Fondly

Fandom: Stella Glow
Characters/Pairings: Alto/Archibald
Rating: PG-13
Tags: letter format, minor spoilers
Word count: 356
Summary: I'll come back for you but for you only. Not to be King.

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Title: Blackest Lies
Fandom: LiEat/Dark Savior
Characters/Pairings: Efi & Leo
Rating: PG-13
Tags: spoilers, parallel 2 bad ending
Word count: 289
Summary: I need to go now. To the big rock with all the storms.

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fandoms 23 and 24

Title: A Hunt For the Smell
Fandom: Dark Savior / THE DOG Island
Rating: T (spoilers, mention of alcohol and undead children, references to a specific Let's Play)
Word Count: 737
Summary: There are things even a budding Sniff Master shouldn't poke their nose into but Puppersnoopers is going to do it anyway.

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Title: Inconvenient Facts
Fandom: YS Origin
Rating: K+ (spoilers)
Word Count: 1014
Summary: On a routine scouting mission, Hugo happens to run into estranged family.

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fandoms 17 and 18

I thought I'd use the prompts :)


Title: La Vie en Rose
Fandom: Dark Savior
Rating: K+
Word Count: 600
Summary: The blue rose in Garian's handbook brought back so many memories... mostly of things that haven't happened yet.

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Title: When in Ivalice
Fandom: Final Fantasy series
Rating: K+
Word Count: 814
Summary: Relm goes world-hopping to try and find a less dangerous form of blue magic for her grandfather.

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first 3 fics

1. Title: Burning Falcon
Fandom: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
Rating: T (alcohol, mild slashy undertones)
Word Count: 389
Summary: Falcom/Noire. Noire doesn't remember Falcom ever not being there. Something about the red-haired adventurer fascinates her; maybe it's her singing voice.

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Title: Annual Leave
Fandom: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 / Climax Landers / Dark Savior
Rating: K+
Word Count: 518
Summary: Noire warns Neptune to go and visit Climax and find out what's wrong before she shuts herself off from the outside world forever.

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Title: Chaos in Emblia
Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes / Super Smash Bros.
Rating: K+
Word Count: 450
Summary: As if being randomly summoned to a different world isn't bizarre enough, Team Fire Emblem keep meeting multiple identical instances of themselves. Except for Robin, who keeps meeting a male version of themself, and may or may not be dating them. The other Arena contenders try their best to help them out.

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fandoms 17-20

Title: Evacuees
Fandom: Phantasy Star IV/Sonic the Hedgehog
Rating: K+
Word Count: 425
Summary: A shuttle full of baby Chao are evacuated to Algol. For security reasons, Demi is put in charge of their wellbeing and education.
(note: this follows on from an earlier fic I wrote, the console war exists in-canon and there has been time travel and parallel world shenanigans)
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Title: Everyone's Responsibility
Fandom: Dark Savior
Rating: T
Word Count: 434
Summary: Somehow, despite all obstacles, there are inspectors on Jailer's Island. What is the Warden going to do?
(note: Not actually sure who the POV is. I'm guessing Max? also probably pre-Parallel 4)
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Title: Pao-Pao
Fandom: Phantasy Star/Space Harrier
Rating: T
Word Count: 453
Summary: Space Harrier tries to blend in and not get into trouble on Motavia, and not accidentally offend the entire native Motavian community or insult Alys.
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Title: Wrong Boat
Fandom: Landstalker/Dark Savior
Rating: T
Word Count: 352
Summary: Kayla, Ink and Wally take the wrong boat and end up on Jailer's Island. Friday forces Nigel to go and rescue them.
(note: I'm worried I wrote the exact same idea last year but can't remember, and it'll probably turn out different, so...)
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fics 31-40

and that's me finished ^_^

Fandom: Trove
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen, mildly creepy humour
Summary: A Dracolyte adventuring in Candoria.

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Fandom: Gynoug/Thomas the Tank Engine
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen, mild horror, complete crack, corrupting your childhood memories
Summary: Inspired by the bootleg Thomas the Tank Engine/Transformers toy. Thomas doesn't want to just be a boring old *train* train, so he asks his demonic friend Orrpus for help.

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Fandom: Ace Attorney
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: K+, F/M, Francesca von Karma/Miles Edgeworth, crushes, nefarious plotting
Summary: They are both students at the same law school with crushes on each other, resulting in increasingly clandestine and roundabout attempts to get each other's attention.

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Fandom: Dark Savior/Gemfire

Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T
Summary: Kurtliegen always feels a sense of foreboding when that particular boat pulls in.

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Fandom: Nintendogs/The Dog Island/Minecraft
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, crack, apocalyptic doom
Summary: A little backstory on how the cats came to Nintendog town, and where most of the humans went.

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Fandom: Der Langrisser
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, M/M, Leon/Laird, Leon/Elwin, Imperial branching into Independent/Chaos route
Summary: Laird always knew Elwin would betray Leon...

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Fandom: EVE Online/Fantasy Zone

Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: K+, Gen, crack
Summary: Opa-Opa meets a friendly Venture, Buzzard and Astero.

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Fandom: Nier

Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen, friendship, strong language
Summary: Khaine is not repulsed by Emile's appearance.

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Fandom: Final Fantasy VI

Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: K+. F/M, Relm/Gau, cross-dressing
Summary: Relm likes Gau and asks Edgar for advice about how to talk to him.

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Fandom: Star Ocean: The Second Story/Odin Sphere

Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, F/M, Decus/Onyx's sisters
Summary: Decus has been seducing Onyx's sisters. Onyx is furious.

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(no subject)

Here are the first ten. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right? This is my first attempt at the challenge.
The quality of these are kinda... mixed. I might put some of the good ones on AO3 later. I'm aiming for about 250-350 words each, which is a lot shorter than what I usually write, so I'm really not used to it!

1. Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen
Summary: In which Welch introduces Claude to the world of fanfiction and there are some amusing complications.

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2. Shining Wisdom
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen, major endgame spoiler, angst, doom
Summary: The way things end has consequences for Mars. He can't go back to how it was before.

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3. Dragon Force
Ratings/pairings/warnings: T, Gen, Junon victory
Summary: Junon makes everyone help out with the repairs.

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4. Valkyrie Profile
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, F/M (Lucian/Lenneth, unrequited Lezard/Lenneth, Mystina flirting with every male character in sight), spoilers, AU with lots of doom
Summary: set in the canon of my fic 'Nonsense of Reality' where Lenneth is 'saved' from the C Ending by making a pact with Surt. Lucian still wants to see her again, so he goes to Mystina for help. This makes Lezard unhappy.

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5. NiGHTs Into Dreams
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen, creepy as heck
Summary: Wizeman's former employers are uneasy about the growing power levels of Claris and Elliot. It reminds them of certain incidents from the past. Based on my fic 'Armageddon' which had an origin story for Wizeman.

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6. Gemfire
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, Gen, doom, not Ander victory
Summary: Ander needed something other than Unicorns, but he appreciates their visits nonetheless.

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7. Dark Savior
Ratings/Pairings/Warnings: T, M/F (Garian/Silver Kay), spoilers
Summary: The Parallels are already leaking into each other a lot, and when they kiss, it accidentally thaws Carbon Garian.

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8. Risk of Rain
Rating/Pairings/Warning: T, M/M (Loader/Engineer), pre-game, doom
Summary: We spent longer than usual checking our rigs. We must have known it would have been a bad run...

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9. Earthbound
Rating/Pairings/Warning: T, Gen
Summary: Gerald Montague's fortune changed when he found that meteorite chunk.

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10. Valkyrie Profile/Star Ocean: Second Story/Star Ocean: The End of Time crossover
Rating/Pairings/Warning: T, Gen, AU, mild spoilers
Summary: set in the AU canon of a bunch of my Star Ocean fics. Surt still hasn't returned to his own dimension, and after his attempt to possess Decus epically fails, he goes after Adray, who is now Decus' disciple.

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