• lycoris

(no subject)

Well folks, tomorrow, 40fandoms begins again!

Here's the rules to remind you!

1. Lent begins on Feburary 17th. You must not write anything that you want to submit for 40fandoms before this date.

2. You must not post anything for 40fandoms before the Feburary 17th. Write and post only between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday (4th April)

3. You must write forty seperate fandoms. Crossovers count as seperate fandoms so feel free to write a Buffy fic, a Merlin fic and then a Buffy/Merlin fic as three different fics.

When you post, please put each fic under a Livejournal cut with appropriate ratings and warnings, tagging each entry with your user name and the fandom(s) used.

Any questions, just ask! Good luck! :)
  • lycoris

40fandoms begins again!

Normally there's a little more warning than this but hey, 40fandoms starts today! Here's the rules to remind you!

1. Lent begins on Feburary 26th. You must not write anything that you want to submit for 40fandoms before this date.

2. You must not post anything for 40fandoms before the Feburary 26th. Write and post only between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday (12th April)

3. You must write forty seperate fandoms. Crossovers count as seperate fandoms so feel free to write a Buffy fic, a Merlin fic and then a Buffy/Merlin fic as three different fics.

When you post, please put each fic under a Livejournal cut with appropriate ratings and warnings, tagging each entry with your user name and the fandom(s) used.

Any questions, just ask! Good luck! :)
[austen] northanger

Fandoms 16 - 18

Title: A Woman Scorned
Fandom: The Goblin Emperor
Characters: Loran Duchenin
Word Count: 117
Rating: G
Summary: She feels a rage so strong she can barely think.

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Title: Agent Underwood
Fandom: Agent Carter
Characters: Peggy Carter, Dottie Underwood
Word Count: 102
Rating: G
Summary: "Don't you recognize me?"

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Title: Ferndell
Fandom: Enola Holmes - Nancy Springer
Characters: Enola Holmes/Cecily Alistair
Word Count: 130
Rating: G
Summary: Cecily visits Enola.

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[austen] northanger

Fandoms 13-15

Title: Phoenix
Fandom: Vlad Taltos - Steven Brust/Westmark - Lloyd Alexander
Characters: Mickle, Theo, Zerika, Laszlo the Warlock
Word Count: 129
Rating: G
Summary: A pair of foreigners visit Dragaera.

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Title: At the Opera
Fandom: Pink Carnation series - Lauren Willig
Characters: Arabella Dempsey/Turnip Fitzhugh
Word Count: 196
Rating: G
Summary: Arabella was not of the ton.

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Title: Wonder
Fandom: The Winning of Lucinda - L. M. Montgomery
Characters: Lucinda Romney, OFC
Word Count: 148
Rating: G
Summary: Miranda finally asks her mother the big question.

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[austen] northanger

Fandoms 11 - 12

Title: A Lady's Honor
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - Geeorge R. R. Martin
Characters: Sansa, Sandor
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG
Summary: A version of the scene in A Clash of Kings set in an AU where Sansa doesn't forgive Sandor.
Author's Notes: Some of the dialogue is taken directly from the book.

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Title: Making Plans
Fandom: Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
Characters: Fanny, William
Word Count: 116
Rating: G
Summary: Set during Chapter 38. William and Fanny make plans for the future.

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[austen] northanger

Fandoms 8-10

Title: Midnight
Fandom: Gentleman Bastard Sequence - Scott Lynch
Characters: Lorenzo Salvara/Sofia Salvara
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Sofia figures everything out.

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Title: Theories
Fandom: Charlotte Holmes - Brittany Cavallaro
Characters: Jamie Watson, Charlotte Holmes
Word Count: 126
Rating: PG
Summary: On the subject of Charlotte's mysterious ancestor.
Author's Notes: I haven't read the final book yet so please excuse any inaccuracy.

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Title: Coming Home
Fandom: Bomb Girls
Characters: Kate Andrew, Betty McRae
Word Count: 168
Rating: PG
Summary: An AU of Season 2 Episode 1.

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[austen] northanger

Fandoms 3-7

Title: Closure
Fandom: Flying Solo - Ralph Fletcher
Characters: Rachel White, Mr. Snickenberger
Word Count: 183
Rating: G
Summary: Rachel wants closure with the school's counselor.

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Title: Rescued
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Percy, Fred, George
Word Count: 134
Rating: G
Summary: Percy at the end of Chamber of Secrets.

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Title: Lessons
Fandom: False Colours - Georgette Heyer
Characters: Cressy, Patience
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Cressy shows her future sister-in-law the ropes.

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Title: Include Women in the Sequel
Fandom: Hamilton
Characters: Angelica Schuyler
Word Count: 137
Rating: G
Summary: "Senator Schuyler, how does it feel to see your bill passed?"
Warnings: Issuefic and probably not very realistic.

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Title: Summer of Mourning
Fandom: Benjamin January mysteries - Barbara Hambly
Characters: Ayasha
Word Count: 140
Rating: G
Summary: Her husband was dead.
Author's Note: I've only read part of the series so forgive me if this contradicts anything, even though it's AU.

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fandoms 36-40 - and done!

Fandom 31: Strawberry Vinegar/Xenoblade Chronicles
Title: Evacuation
Rating: PG-13/Het
Characters: Rie/Licia
Words: 282
Summary: Demons are affected like High Entia during a certain crisis, revealing certain secrets about Licia.
Tags: Xenoblade Chronicles major spoilers, Strawberry Vinegar canon divergence

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Fandom 37: StreetPass Games/Mother 3
Title: Creative Accountancy
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: OCs
Words: 282
Summary: The Mii Force is brought in to deal with a sighting of the interdimensional outlaw Pokey.
Tags: StreetPass Trader, StreetPass Squad, established fic series canon

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Fandom 38: The Witcher/Okami
Title: White Wolf
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Geralt, Shiranui
Words: 315
Summary: The villagers hire a Witcher to do something about Orochi and his lupine herald.
Tags: sexual allusion, alcohol

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Fandom 39: Ace Attorney/Shining Wisdom
Title: Fey Court
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Mia Fey, minor OCs
Words: 300
Summary: The two best lawyers are assigned to both defend and prosecute in the trial of the Fairy of Gudo Valley.
Tags: major Shining Wisdom spoilers, minor Ace Attorney spoilers, mentions of character deaths

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Fandom 40: Valkyrie Profile/Phantasy Star II
Title: Simulacra
Rating: PG-13/Het
Characters: unrequited Lezard Valeth/Lenneth
Words: 336
Summary: Lezard clones a Valkyrie. It goes wrong.
Tags: minor spoilers, creepy stalker
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Fandom 39: Ace Attorney/Shining Wisdom
Title: Fey Court
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Mia Fey, minor OCs
Words: 300
Summary: The two best lawyers are assigned to both defend and prosecute in the trial of the Fairy of Gudo Valley.
Tags: major Shining Wisdom spoilers, minor Ace Attorney spoilers, mentions of character deaths

fandoms 31-35

Fandom 31: Fantasy Zone/Space Harrier
Title: A Close Eye
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Harrier, Uriah, Opa-Opa
Words: 200
Summary: Uriah wants him watched, just in case.
Tags: canon crossover, Fantasy Zone 2 minor spoilers. inspired by music - 'Traveler's Prelude' - Gagharv Symphony

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Fandom 32: Chrono Trigger/ Xenoblade Chronicles X
Title: Secret of the Lifehold
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Magus
Words: 274
Summary: Magus looked for answers on other worlds as well as other time zones.
Tags: crossover, major spoilers for both titles

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Fandom 33: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Title: The Resurrection
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Marth, unspecified character
Words: 224
Summary: Marth finds an Aum Staff.
Tags: spoilers, meta, foreshadowing for newer games, inspired by music - 'Artifact' - Valkyrie Profile OST

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Fandom 34: StreetPass games/Hyperdimension Neptunia
Title: A Quiet Afternoon at the Plaza
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Blanc & Neptune
Words: 256
Summary: In which Blanc complains bitterly about a lack of StreetPass hits.
Tags: meta

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Fandom 35: Chrono Trigger/Dungeons and Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Title: And We Still haven't Found Your Cat
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: OC narrator
Words: 171
Summary: The Magic Academy finds a way to stabilise the portal and use it at will.
Tags: crossover, references to DnD Second Ed lore in general, journal format

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fandoms 26-30

Fandom 26: Gemfire
Title: In the Coral Palace
Fandom: Gemfire
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Pastha
Words: 200
Summary: A strange warmth in the current awakens the Dragon of the Sea.
Tags: headcanon, worldbuilding, inspired by music - 'Woods of Elevated Coral Reefs' (Ys 8 OST)

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Fandom 27: GrimGrimoire
Title: After Lights Out
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Lujei
Words: 204
Summary: The night was her realm.
Tags: headcanon, worldbuilding, inspired by music - 'The Palace at Night' (Ys Healing)

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Fandom 28: Tokyo Xanadu
Title: When Everything Changed
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Rating: PG-13/Slash
Characters: Kou/Shio
Words: 372
Summary: He'd been told not to get involved with shady people, but...
Tags: spoilers

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Fandom 29: Chrono Trigger
Title: Become the Wind
Fandom: Chrono Trigger
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Masa & Mune
Words: 211
Summary: Backstory for Masa, Mune and Doreen.
Tags: spoilers, worldbuilding, inspired by music - 'Theme of Wind' (Chrono Trigger OST)

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Fandom 30: Ys 1
Title: Moonlit Balcony
Fandom: Ys 1
Rating: G/Gen
Characters: Adol
Words: 200
Summary: Adol reaches Rado's Annexe.
Tags: spoilers, inspired by music - 'Tension' (Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles OST)

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