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just wanna share this papper .
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Prinsip dalam Konsep kewirausahaan  Bergantung diubah menjadi mandiri  Berharap diubah menjadi berbuat  Menggunakan diubah menjadi menghasilkan  Suka diberi diubah menjadi suka memberi Konsep KWU  Ke -Wira -Usaha -an  Wira =... more
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Based on the research background,, the problem in this research is the sewing department never reached the production target in 2018. The purposes of this research are to find out influence of work motivation on employee performance at PT... more
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    • Mathematics
The table below gives the probability of obtaining at most x successes in n independent trials, each of which has a probability p of success. That is, if X denotes the number of successes, the table shows 0 ()(1) x nrnr r r
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Street art merupakan sebuah bentuk seni yang diaplikasikan dalam ruang-ruang publik.
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Potential foreign exchange outstanding tourism, the tourism industry Semarang demand should continue to improve to capture the potential of becoming a source of opinions. Industry conditions pariwisatan in Semarang require a marketing... more
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      BusinessMarketingStructural Equation ModelingTourism
Kehadiran mereka telah menjadi kekuatan ekonomi kerakyatan yang tangguh dan mandiri. Pandemi COVID-19 telah mempengaruhi pendapatan sector jasa termasuk usaha Pangkas Rambut Madura yakni 90,90%. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan... more
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      BusinessBusiness Administration
This article is a future research agenda for researchers in marketing. This article was formulated on the basis of notes and important facts found in the field. Facts where sales and market share to more extensive automatic scooter. Along... more
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Purpose – This study aims to investigate how the influences of store attributes on store loyalty can be mediated by the store satisfaction framework.Design/methodology/approach – The survey data were collected from selected retail stores... more
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The three pillars of higher education for lecturers and students is an obligation. The law requires the existence of libraries in universities for those who want to organize higher education. The library, which is a sub-section of the... more
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      Library ScienceHigher EducationPolitical ScienceObligation
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu Toko Tekstil Gemilang Jaya Bandung dalam menentukan perencanaan persediaan bahan baku tekstil dengan menggunakan teknik forecasting yang nantinya hasil forecasting dari setiap data persediaan... more
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The challenge of the Madura Hair Haircut Entrepreneurs in the barber industry is not small. The problem of competition in urgent Hair Haircut business industry must be investigated is the knowledge and improvement of marketing capability.... more
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      BusinessMarketingStructural Equation Modeling