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30_smirks, posts by tag: crowley/aziraphale - LiveJournal
heaven =/= sushi
Fandom: Good Omens
Title: Salesmen
Author/Artist: 3great_hermes
Theme(s): #30 - Smirks (~wipe that off your face)
Pairing/Characters: Crowley/Aziraphale
Rating: PG for suggestiveness?
Disclaimer/claimer: Aziraphale and Crowley belong to the wonderful Pterry and Gneal. The "young man" belongs to me, the poor scarred dear. *pats*
Summary: Aziraphale has a rare customer, and Crowley... er, helps.

Aziraphale didn't want to sell a book today.Collapse )

My first time posting in a 30 community, and boy, was this fun to write. :D
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