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Welcome to the Smirkish World of 30 Smirks
Daniel and Vala - split
Title: Don’t Believe You’re Ready
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Daniel/Vala
Prompt: #007 I’m in love with you ~ Sorry but I don’t love you
Word Count: 311
Rating: G
Summary: “Daniel, I think,” Vala says, scrunching up her nose. “I think I’m in love with you.”
Notes: Written for 30_smirks. 17/10/09.

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44 - rainbow
Title: Real And Meaningful
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Daniel/Vala
Prompt: #005 FACADE ~ behind the smirk
Word Count: 355
Rating: T+
Summary: Daniel is studying a tablet scrawled with script similar to Latin when she appears in the doorway.
Notes: Written for 30_smirks. 13/8/08.

Real And Meaningful
24th-Aug-2010 02:46 am(no subject)
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: First impressions
Author/Artist: Alex_axle

Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
8. Spectacles
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed):
Summary (if needed):


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24th-Aug-2010 02:45 am(no subject)
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Sudden revleation
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
7. I'm in love with you
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed):
Summary (if needed):


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16th-Aug-2010 10:50 pm(no subject)

Fandom: Law and order: SVU
Title: Impatience
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
6. "Curiosity killed the cat"
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler

Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):

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16th-Aug-2010 10:50 pm(no subject)

Fandom: Law and order: SVU
Title: Shrink mode
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
5. Facade
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: M
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):

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12th-Aug-2010 01:20 am(no subject)
Fandom: Law and order: SVU
Title: Football
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
4. "I hate you!" "I love you too"
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: M
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):


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12th-Aug-2010 01:19 am(no subject)
Fandom: Law and order: SVU
Title: Breakfast
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 3 "Hey!"
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: t
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):


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13th-Jul-2010 11:04 pm(no subject)

Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Dirty cops
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 002. You can't do this!
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed):
Don't own

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13th-Jul-2010 11:01 pm(no subject)

Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Too much smirking
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 001. Laughter
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed):
Don't own
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