Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi) - 30 whirlwind romances — LiveJournal
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Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at November 10th, 2011 (07:55 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Profane Hands
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #14; Aristocrat
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Political marriages can be awkward. Especially when you've been at war for generations.
Notes: AU

Profane Hands

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #22; Ouch!
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Battles don't always go as well as planned.
Notes: None

Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere