30 whirlwind romances — LiveJournal
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K. Tram [userpic]
by K. Tram (akinriahtram)
at August 13th, 2012 (06:07 pm)

Fandom: Naruto
Title: Confession
Author/Artist: akinriahtram
Theme(s): #28 - Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?
Pairing/Characters: SakuraxSasuke
Rating: T / G
Disclaimer: All rights are exclusive to Kishimoto. The author claims nada, except for this sheer nonsense. I’m pretty bad at oneshots.

ConfessionCollapse )

au is always an option [userpic]
Unexpected Awakenings (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at March 8th, 2012 (06:54 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Unexpected Awakenings
Author: scifisentai
Theme: #18; Dishevelled
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Gamu woke slowly, toes curling as he stretched, fingers curling into warm fur as he settled down again. Wait. Fur?
Notes: AU

Unexpected Awakenings

au is always an option [userpic]
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at February 23rd, 2012 (04:58 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: How to Win Friends and Influence People
Author: scifisentai
Theme: #9; Exhilaration
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: The Kajio twins are much easier to cope with separately than together.
Notes: Crossover with Rescue Fire.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

au is always an option [userpic]
Three fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at January 26th, 2012 (10:46 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Times of Testing
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #13; Heads or tails, you lose
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Dissenting opinions can have unpleasant consequences.
Notes: AU

Times of Testing

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Intervention from Unexpected Places
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #27; Emotions
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: He only has himself to blame.
Notes: Tag to episode 46

Intervention from Unexpected Places

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Always Read the Fine Print
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #24; Strings
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: The trading mission to Gaia doesn't go quite as planned.
Notes: AU.

Always Read the Fine Print

And this should bring me up to date at least. >.>

dreximgirl [userpic]
#22 Flame
by dreximgirl (dreximgirl)
at January 10th, 2012 (11:18 pm)

Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Title: New Traditions
Author: dreximgirl
Theme: #22 Flame
Pairing/Characters:  Rika Sasaki/Yoshiyuki Terada
Rating:  PG (?)
Disclaimer: I own nothing and have neglected this for too long

Fic under hereCollapse )

au is always an option [userpic]
Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at November 10th, 2011 (07:55 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Profane Hands
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #14; Aristocrat
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Political marriages can be awkward. Especially when you've been at war for generations.
Notes: AU

Profane Hands

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #22; Ouch!
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Battles don't always go as well as planned.
Notes: None

Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere

au is always an option [userpic]
Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at September 25th, 2011 (08:51 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Distractions
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #15; Take a hint
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Katsumi is trying to finish his paperwork. Gamu, however, has other ideas.
Notes: Post-series


Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Lost Get Found
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #20; Walk
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: In the wake of the final battle, Gamu goes to ground.
Notes: Post-series. Spoilers for the last five or so episodes

Lost Get Found

au is always an option [userpic]
Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at September 19th, 2011 (11:54 am)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Missing Lightning
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #10; Search
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Gamu isn't used to feeling helpless anymore.
Notes: Post-series

Missing Lightning

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Take off your clothes, baby, and stand just so
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #12; Photo
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Gamu likes taking photos, which comes as something of a surprise to both of them.
Notes: Post-series.

Take off your clothes, baby, and stand just so

au is always an option [userpic]
Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at September 18th, 2011 (08:16 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Fractured Perceptions
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #5; Trickery
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Gamu's a little off. Unfortunately for him, Kajio doesn't figure out why until it's too late.
Notes: Spoilers for episode #42

Fractured Perceptions

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: A Matter of Principle
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #8; Collection
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: Gamu is not the First Mate's Wench. It's not his job to keep a cranky pirate happy.
Notes: Pirate AU.

A Matter of Principle

au is always an option [userpic]
Two fics (Ultraman Gaia. Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi)
by au is always an option (scifisentai)
at September 17th, 2011 (12:10 pm)

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Five Times People Thought Gamu and Kajio Were Dating. (And One They Actually Were)
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #2; The subconcsious
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: *points at title* For once, that says it all.
Notes: Post-series, contains some spoilers for the final episode

Five Times

Fandom: Ultraman Gaia
Title: Overheard
Author: [personal profile] scifisentai
Theme: #3; Banter
Pairing/Characters: Takayama Gamu/Kajio Katsumi
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Gaia belongs to Tsuburaya Productions, not myself. :)
Summary: It's not that they don't notice. They just weren't expecting anything so blatant.


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