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30 Pickups

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(no subject) [May. 28th, 2006|12:55 pm]
30 Pickups

Title: Bunnies
Rating: PG13
Charcters/Pairings: Marauders, Lily, Remus/Sirius
Summary: Sirius doesn't need something any excuses to shag Remus

(Wanna Fuck Like Bunnies?)
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(no subject) [May. 27th, 2006|09:03 am]
30 Pickups

[Current Mood |nervousnervous]
[Current Music |Bonnie Prince Billy - Black]

Title: Untitled
Rating: PG-13 (but only for the swearing, it's pure fluff)
Pairing: SB/JP
Author’s Note: It's a slightly OOC yet clichee oneshot that I wrote for this contest. I had someone beta-ing it (thanks alot!) but still wasn't sure of posting it (reasons as above). But oh well, I wrote it, take it as it is, someone said it's cute. I'm grateful for any comments.  (Oh, and also I wanted to post it somehow because... it's the first fanfiction ever I actually finished.)

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What Starts As Just A Game... [May. 23rd, 2006|12:10 am]
30 Pickups
[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]
[Current Music |Vanessa Carlton|A Thousand Miles]

Title: What Starts As Just A Game...
Author: time_child
Rating: R
Summary: Everything Sirius wants, Sirius gets... that is, almost everything. He has wanted James for years, though he knows that he will never be allowed his friend. One day, however, he proposes a little game that just might be enough to let get a little more than friendly with James.
Pairings: SB/JP
Disclaimer: I wish I owned these sexy guys. Nope, they sadly belong to J.K. Rowling.
Author’s Note: Written for the
30 Pickups Contest/Challenge. Also, I don't do slash that much, so I hope it's okay. I just really loved these lines and had to try it.

What Starts As Just A Game...Collapse )
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(no subject) [May. 20th, 2006|09:07 pm]
30 Pickups

ooh, a request here, kinda selfish, but would anyone be interested in writing a deamus (dean/seamus) fic or a f/blaise/g fic?

much love!
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(no subject) [May. 19th, 2006|06:40 pm]
30 Pickups

[Current Mood |flirtyflirty]

Yay, I finally got one done! This one is for pickup line number 11.
Title: Owe
Rating: PG
Length: 2399 oneshot
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Genre: Humor/Romance
Disclaimer: Yeah, I own it. I own it all. *evil crackle* ...okay, not really. Don't sue!
Summary: Draco owes Pansy. Harry's besotted. Pansy's got this idea...
Note: Don't ask about the title. I suck at coming up with them. Writen for 30_pickups.
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Thirty Lines [May. 17th, 2006|10:22 pm]
30 Pickups

[Current Mood |creativecreative]

Title: Thirty Lines
Rating: Rish
Summary: When Sirius suddenly decides he wants Remus to be his ‘strumpet of love’, Remus’ sixth year at Hogwarts inexplicably turns into a haze of confusion, raw lust, and really bad pickup lines. [SiriusRemus]
Author: otempora01
Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, there would be, like, no dispute over whether or not Remus and Sirius were/are gay with each other. Oh, and Tonks in love with Remus? That would go in my trash compactor, okay?
Author’s Note: Written for the 30 Pickups Contest/Challenge. Basically, you were supposed to choose one of the thirty pickup lines and use it in a fanfiction. But I couldn’t decide between them so I decided to use ‘em all. I hope that’s alright. This is Part II. Which is… slightly smuttier than part one. So, uh, don’t tell my parents. As a matter of fact, don’t tell your parents. As a matter of fact… I never wrote this. Yes. Even more un-beta'd than the first part.

Part I

But that was okay, because he and James and Peter had figured that Remus was asexual anyway.Collapse )
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(no subject) [May. 14th, 2006|02:45 pm]
30 Pickups

You guys, just so you know, as long as its not too much random stuff, you can post a few non-fic posts in here. *nod*
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(no subject) [May. 13th, 2006|06:13 pm]
30 Pickups

[Current Mood |excitedexcited]

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Title: Surprise!
Author: velvetdagger
Pairing: Fred X George
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash and some smut, but not that much.
Summary: Someone's making noises in the common room, and a pissed-off, sleep-deprived Hermione's going to find out who ... and after wish she hadn't.
A/N: Response to sara_shunu's Fanfic Challenge. First fic, please be nice. 

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I Miss My Teddy [May. 13th, 2006|10:26 am]
30 Pickups

Title: I Miss My Teddy Bear.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Summary: Sirius needs something soft and cuddly to sleep with
AN I found the teddy when shopping with my sister so this is semi dedicated to her.

(Can I Sleep With You)
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(no subject) [May. 12th, 2006|06:43 am]
30 Pickups

[Current Mood |bouncybouncy]

Title: Thirty Lines
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Sirius suddenly decides he wants Remus to be his ‘strumpet of love’, Remus’ sixth year at Hogwarts inexplicably turns into a haze of confusion, raw lust, and really bad pickup lines. [SiriusRemus]
Author: otempora01
Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, there would be, like, no dispute over whether or not Remus and Sirius were/are gay with each other. Oh, and Tonks in love with Remus? That would go in my trash compactor, okay?
Author’s Note: Written for the 30 Pickups Contest/Challenge. Basically, you were supposed to choose one of the thirty pickup lines and use it in a fanfiction. But I couldn’t decide between them so I decided to use ‘em all. I hope that’s alright. Part I contains the first fifteen (can you spot ‘em?) and Part II, when I get to it, will contain the second fifteen.

It was almost impossible, Remus discovered, to avoid someone when you had the same friends, the same classes, and, especially, if you slept in the same room.Collapse )

Part II
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