? ?
30_nights, posts by tag: haldir/faramir - LiveJournal
4th-Aug-2007 07:34 pm - Fandom: LOTR
Craig - Peace sign
Fandom: LOTR
Title: Never Leave Me Again
Author/Artist: Anorienbean
Theme(s): 20. Never leave me again.
Pairing/Characters: Haldir/Faramir
Beta: The lovely martonsmistress
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): No money made, obviously didn’t happen.
Summary: The end of love?
Why didn’t I just give in?Collapse )
29th-Sep-2006 06:52 am - Title: Roses
Craig - Peace sign
Title: Roses
Author: anorienparker
Written for: 30_nights; also 100_chances
Prompt: 3. Find me in the dark for 30_nights; 90. Plants for 100_chances
Fandom: LOTR
Pairing: Haldir/Faramir
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: No money was made from this, and I'm fairly certain Tolkie had no intention of Haldir and Faramir ever becoming lovers, so my apologies to him.
Warning: OMGthe fluffiness!!!! This was written at 3am by an insomniac, so please forgive the errors.

RosesCollapse )
7th-Jun-2006 03:54 pm - One Last Date
Craig - Peace sign
Fandom: LOTR
Title: One Last Date
Author/Artist: anorienparker
Theme(s): 8. One last date...
Pairing/Characters: Haldir/Faramir
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Not true, didn’t happen, no money made.
Summary (if needed):Haldir and Faramir share one last date. Written for 30_nights
One last date?Collapse )
2nd-Apr-2006 06:00 pm - Fandom: LOTR
Craig - Peace sign
Fandom: LOTR
Title: Watching From the Shadows
Author/Artist: anorienparker
Theme(s): 01. You are never mine to begin with.
Pairing/Characters: Haldir/Faramir, Erestor
Beta:autumn_witch78 (aka My Squishy)
Rating: PG Word count: 624
Disclaimer/claimer: These characters belong to JRR Tolkien and his estate. No money was made from this, no harm meant, and I returned everyone to Middle Earth in much the same condition they left in, though a bit happier, I hope. :)
Summary: Erestor watches two lovers and yearns for what he does not have.

I move silently under the dark canopoy of trees,Collapse )
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