? ?
~~30 Nights of Wonders~~
Hiei and the force
Title: The Yu Yu Drabble Chocolate Box Series, Drabble 21
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Characters: Hiei/Touya
Prompt: #14 Guardian angel
Word Count: about 600 words
Rating: T
Summary: "I'll watch over you until just right as you awaken. For this one night, please rest at ease, Touya thought to himself as he ensconced them both within the darkness of the cave."

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho is not mine, nor am I making profit from writing this drabble.

Author's Notes: Warning(s) - > Light shounen ai, AU-ish, a little profanity. I was challenged to write this with the following prompt from a friend: "Hiei/Touya--Take this song and use it however it inspires you--FFH's song 'Undone.'" Also fulfills my Hiei/Touya challenge at fanfic100 for #67 snow. Drabble was written 6/15/13.

drabble link

Link to my Hiei/Touya 30-nights table
Title: United
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Pre-slash/PG
Wordcount: 2400
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, 30_nights, 20_est_relships, a_to_z_prompts
Notes/Warnings: Tag to Be True To Your School; For nickygabriel
Summary: Nick's hurting in the aftermath of his school reunion, and what hurts Nick hurts Cody too

It never took more than three punches.
Title: The Lotus Blossom, or The Path to Enlightenment
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Pre-slash, HET, Slash; NC17
Wordcount: 3700
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody/(O)FCs; Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, batpack, 30_nights, a_to_z_prompts, smallfandomflsh
Notes/Warnings: Um, het. For the Riptide Kink Meme, prompt #14 - Nick/Cody/(O)FC -- threesome
Summary: "Are there any girls in that little book of yours who’d come over and help out a couple of guys in need?"

The Lotus Blossom, or The Path to Enlightenment
Title: Match Pair
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Pre-slash/Slash R
Wordcount: 5000
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, a_to_z_prompts, smallfandomflsh
Notes/Warnings: for seraphina_snape, who wanted matchmaker Murray!
Summary: Dating on the Riptide is a complicated affair...

But even Happy Joe himself hadn't looked surprised when Nick and Cody crowded into one side of the small booth and left Murray to perch on the stool at the end and their dates to sit opposite.
Hiei the Angsty
Title: Two Hearts
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Characters: Hiei/Touya
Prompt: #24 My heart is bleeding for you
Word Count: Solely for the poem alone, the WC is approx. 175
Rating: T
Summary: Another old HieixTouya poem. Was sort of inspired by my oneshot What
Words Can Never Say, but this is not related to that . . .

Disclaimer: I'm not makin' money off this fic...Naturally, Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi and co.

Author's Notes: Warning - > Light shounen ai.


Will also be x-posted to fanfic100

Link to my Hiei/Touya 30-nights table
Hiei and the force
Title: Seasons of Opposition
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Characters: Hiei/Touya
Prompt: #10, Together itsumo (Together always)
Word Count: Solely for the poems alone, the WC is approx. 175.
Rating: T
Summary: Two short Touya/Hiei companion poems, they basically answer each
other. Kind of romantic. Plays of the themes of fire and ice, light and
dark, summer and winter and well, it's poetry, you get picture.

Disclaimer: I'm not makin' money off this fic...Naturally, Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi and co.

Author's Notes: Warning - > Shounen ai.


Will also be x-posted to fanfic100

Link to my Hiei/Touya 30-nights table
Fanart: Manip

Title: For Him
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/R
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56

Dream of him. Live for him. Love him.
20th-Jan-2011 07:58 am - Nick/Rochelle
Fandom: Left 4 Dead 2
Title: Lost In Your Eyes
Author/Artist: Kasmaflower
Theme(s): 026. Frozen moment at the first sight.
Pairings: Nick//Rochelle
Rating: G
Note: Not into Nick with Ellis anymore so the themes will now be with Rochelle
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. L4D2 belongs to Valve Corporation

Link to picture
Devil Speak
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Title: What Words Can Never Say
Author: aino_himitsu aka Yodai Hiro Reborn
Theme(s): #16, You don't know what you have done to me
Pairing: Hiei/Touya
Rating: T
Crossposted: fanfic100
Warnings: Shounen ai. Basically two males heavily kissing at some point in the story...
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or its characters; Nor am I making an money from this fic.
Summary: Sometimes love can only be described with what never can never say.

One-shot Link
Fandom: Supernatural
Title: Candy Cane Kisses
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 25 - frozen moment at first sight
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): I own nothing Supernatural.
Summary (if needed): Sam distracts Dean as he's decorating the tree.
Warnings: slash, incest

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Fandom: Supernatural
Title: The Smell of Real Pine
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 22 - love you til the end
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): I own nothing Supernatural.
Summary (if needed): Sam and Dean celebrate under their Christmas tree.
Warnings: slash, incest

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Title: Some Things Change
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/PG
Wordcount: 2000
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, smallfandomfest
Notes/Warnings: Sequel to They Do It With Spandex
Summary: Coming to terms with a new relationship always means change...

It had been a damned long day, made even longer by the fact that Cody had spent most of it without Nick next to him.
Title: Straight on 'til Morning
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/NC17
Wordcount: 2000
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, smallfandomfest, 20_est_relships, 30_nights
Notes/Warnings: For seraphina_snape. Happy birthday babe :D
Summary: Cutscene/coda to Peter Pan is Alive and Well

It took Nick less than ten seconds to size up Byron Monk, and a further ten to be sure: there was nothing about the guy he liked.</
4th-Dec-2010 12:13 am - The One Time Dean Couldn't Save Sam
Fandom: Supernatural
Title: The One Time Dean Couldn't Save Sam
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Theme(s): 27 - I'm souless without you
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Ellen
Rating: R
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): I own nothing Supernatural.
Warnings: Character death, slash, incest, implied Sam/Castiel
Summary (if needed): What could have happened if Dean wasn't able to make a deal with the crossroads demon . . .

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Title: Powered Up
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash, NC17
Wordcount: 3000
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody, Murray/Quinlan
Crossposted: pier56, 20_est_relships, 30_nights
Notes/Warnings: Also for mundane_bingo "brownouts"
Summary: What Nick and Cody - and Murray - get up to during a blackout...

So when the salon lights flickered and died and the TV cut out just as the Cubs scored, bringing them up level with the Padres with twenty minutes playing time to go, no-one was exactly surprised.
Title: The Name of the Game
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/R
Wordcount: 2200
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, 30_nights, 30_angsts
Notes/Warnings: For the Glad All Over challenge. Song: Beach Blanket Bingo
Summary: A song can you take you places you'd never imagine...

When he heard it again in Vietnam it brought a grin to his face on a day he'd wondered if he'd ever smile again.
Title: Reflexology
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash (implied)/PG
Wordcount: 1600
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody, Murray
Crossposted: pier56, 20_est_relships, 30_nights, 30_angsts, smallfandomflsh
Notes/Warnings: Also for mundane_bingo Foot falling asleep
Summary: Vietnam's a long time in the past, but Cody needs downtime to keep it there. When the agency's busy, the past creeps closer than anyone's ready for...

The agency was doing well: there was money in the bank account, and in all their pockets, and no-one had beaten them up for over a month.
Title: A Place to Play
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Preslash/PG
Wordcount: 670
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, 30_nights
Notes/Warnings: Set in the late seventies, after the MP's and before the Riptide.
Summary: After a long day flying, Nick goes looking for Cody

He was tired, hot and hungry, and he hurt in places he'd never so much as thought about before.
24th-Aug-2010 02:43 am(no subject)
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Hidden darkness
Author/Artist: Alex_Axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
004. Darkness in my heart.
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):


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24th-Aug-2010 02:41 am(no subject)

Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Always there
Author/Artist: Alex_Axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme)
003. Find me in the Dark.
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own
Summary (if needed):


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Title: A Stranger's Shore
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/PG
Wordcount: 3000
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, smallfandomfest, 30_nights, 30_angsts
Notes/Warnings: Space Pirates AU. A belated birthday present for my dearest coauthor oddmonster
Summary: Alone on a strange world, Nick thinks things could hardly get worse. Until he hears a familiar voice...

He'd never spent time on Redondo before, but it hadn't taken him long to find Straightaways.
Game Over
Fandom: Digimon Tamers
Title: Nothings
Author: fiver  (@ adarklingalcove )
Theme: #35 "I'm poisoned from the very moment"
Pairings/Characters: Beelzemon (mentions of others)
Rating: G
Summary: To the victor goes the spoils ... so to speak.

13th-Jul-2010 10:52 pm(no subject)
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Sacrifices
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 002. I'm willing to sacrifice anything just to be with you
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own.


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13th-Jul-2010 10:50 pm(no subject)

Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Title: Other man
Author/Artist: Alex_axle
Theme(s): (include the # number and full theme) 001. You were never mine to begin with
Pairing/Characters: George Huang/Elliot Stabler
Rating: T
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): Don't own.


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9th-Jul-2010 12:59 am - Hunger - Prompt 21 - Seeking for you
Title:  Hunger
Author:  my_sam_dean
Characters:  SamDean
Rating:  R
Prompt:  21 - Seeking for you
Wordcount:  800+
Warnings:  slash, incest
Disclaimer:  I own nothing Supernatural.
Summary:  Sam needs dean to give him a clue to even begin to figure him out.

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Title: Will to Live
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash, PG
Wordcount: 200
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, slashthedrabble
Notes/Warnings: Post Double Your Pleasure, angst

Will to Live

Fandom: Soul Eater
Title: Surrender
Author: Nancy Hartigan
Theme: 002. I'm willing to sacrifice anything just for you.
Pairing: Stein/Medusa
Rating: PG-13 ish
Disclaimer: Stein and Medusa belong to their creators. I am not among them, sadly enough.
Summary: On the search for Noah's base, Stein has one of those nights.

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Title: The Day The World Went Away
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/R
Wordcount: 1200
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, lgbtfest, 30_angsts, 30_nights
Prompt: 019 Crying All Night For You
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money being made
Notes/Warnings: For my birthday, dearest speak_me_fair made me a beautiful banner. It inspired me so much, I wrote a story for it. (Banner's under the fake cut)
Summary: Leaving war behind was supposed to be something to celebrate...

They'd gone to the jungle as children and come home soldiers
Title: Red Letter Day
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/PG
Wordcount: 1600
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, 20_est_relships, older_not_dead, 30_angsts, 30_nights, smallfandomflsh
Notes/Warnings: 1991
Summary: Nick's keeping secrets, and Cody can't help being worried...

It was years since Cody had doubted Nick for more than an instant.
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