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30_angsts, posts by tag: aoi/uruha - LiveJournal
30th-Dec-2008 05:09 pm(no subject)
Fandom: the GazettE
Title: Broken Sonnet
Author: asuraxtwilight
Theme: 5. True Love (~seeking for you)
Pairing: AoixUruha
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them.
Summary: "Maybe I'm just not the one for you."

(I know you, Uru. And you knew me so well.)

5th-May-2008 03:39 pm - Oneshot: Gone feat. Aoi & Uruha
Fandom: the Gazette
Title: Gone
Author: asuraxtwilight
Theme: 8. Articles; Newspaper (~broken promise)
Pairing: AoixUruha
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine. Nyaaa. D:
Summary: How could he?

( He didn’t need any more explanations. It was obvious anyway. )
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