Hey! We're 2aliens, an independent research studio/lab about
Machine Learning, Art, Music, Games and Coding.
Twitter - GitHub - Instagram
2aliens is the umbrella of personal projects created by Gabriela Thumé and
Vilson Vieira.
Gabriela Thumé is a Machine Learning Engineer at Extend AI, holds a BSc. in
Computer Science and MSc. in Computer Science from USP (University of São Paulo).
Twitter - Github - Instagram
Vilson Vieira is a CTO at Extend AI, holds a BSc. in Computer Science and
MSc. in Applied and Computational Physics from USP (University of São Paulo).
Twitter - Github - Instagram
Map to CS/ML a.k.a Global Domination Project ;-)
"What I cannot create, I do not understand."
-- Richard Feynman
The best way to start a journey is following a map. Or getting lost on every step on the way.
This is a map, a hitchhiker's guide to Computer Science. We're going from Coding
to Machine Learning in a creative and artistic way as much as possible.
In the end of this journey, you'll accumulate enough knowledge to call yourself a computer hacker.
Every link will bring you to one YouTube video explaining the topic in the most conscise and fun way we
were able to create. An opiniated guide to Computer Science delivered as weekly videos.
- Staying sharp! The only way to master computer programming or AI is to practice it.
- We're more and more entangled and dependent of tech, specially now with ML.
We need to get more critical mass onboard by teaching people about tech and
how to tame it.
- YouTube and other social media/streaming platforms are loaded with ads and
click-bait content. We want to create content that tells more with less, go
straight on the topic, no bs.
- Demyistifying the (math/coding) background behind our world.
- Be practical and fun. Use creative coding as a tool to teach.
- While going through it, give strong background to people be able to do code
interviews on companies b/c one way to change our world is from
- Or you can start your own tech startup and change the world while being a conscious and skilled entrepeneur.
- Learn and be part of amazing open source and hacker communities, being an active actor by contributing to
it with our own code and ideas.
- Watching our videos :-) and other people's videos (see below), reading those references, jumping
in online courses and specially...
- Creating or contributing to fun open source projects!
The Map
- Math Background
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Probability and Statistics
- Math for (Creative) Coding
- Computer Theory
- Finite Automata
- Context-Free Grammar
- Lambda Calculus
- Turing Machines
- Hardware Architecture Design
- Operational Systems Design
- Computers as Hackers and Coder Environments
- Linux
- Bash
- Git
- Vim / Emacs
- Unix Tools
- Your dot-files
- Programming
- Big O
- Data Structures
- Languages
- Paradigms
- Imperative
- Logic
- Functional
- OO
- Metaprogramming
- C
- C++
- Python
- Design Patterns
- Computer Graphics
- Compilers and Interpreters
- Networking
- AI
- Classical
- Search
- Optimization
- Dynamic Programming
- ML
- Neural Networks
- Deep Learning
- ConvNets
- Transformers
- System Design / Distributed Systems / Software Engineering
- Open Source / Free Software
- How to contribute
- Learning by reading code on GH
- Application
- Coding Practice
- Code Interviews
- Competitive Programming
- Creative Coding
- Music
- Demos
- Creative Tools as Art Expression
- Esoteric Languages
We read a lot. Going through weird and interesting corners of the Interwebs is one of our beloved
hobbies. Here you'll find some great references that inspired us to create.
- Learning to learn
- Learning to speak
- Math Background
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Probability and Statistics
- Math for (Creative) Coding
- Computer Theory
- Finite Automata
- Context-Free Grammar
- Lambda Calculus
- Turing Machines
- Hardware Architecture Design
- Operational Systems Design
- Computers as Hackers and Coder Environments
- Programming
- Computer Graphics
- Compilers and Interpreters
- Networking
- AI
- Classical
- Search
- Optimization
- Dynamic Programming
- ML
- System Design / Distributed Systems / Software Engineering
- Open Source / Free Software
Similar Projects
Learning by creating projects from scratch.
Tips / Quotes
"ABC (Always Be Coding). The more you code, the better you’ll get — it’s that simple. By coding, you’re practicing. But the best practice is focused practice. Have goals in mind, explore new areas, and challenge yourself. Over time, you should develop a portfolio of both unfinished and finished projects. GitHub is a great place to put this portfolio on display, but just having an eclectic body of work is huge." (from https://medium.com/always-be-coding/abc-always-be-coding-d5f8051afce2#.4heg8zvm4)
"Improve and maintain, over time
Once the rust is gone, and you’re fully prepped, it is dead easy to keep your CS and interview skills sharp: solve one coding question per day. I’ve been doing this for the past 3 years or so, and I’ve realized the following benefits:
I’m never out of practice
It helps flex mental muscles and improve critical thinking, the same way solving crossword puzzles, brain teasers or playing a game of chess might." (from https://medium.com/@nick.ciubotariu/ace-the-coding-interview-every-time-d169ce1fd3fc)