New by Gökhan Çetinsaya

The Ottoman Empire: A History, 2022
The Ottoman Empire was the last of the great empires that had dominated the Middle East and Medit... more The Ottoman Empire was the last of the great empires that had dominated the Middle East and Mediterranean since the dawn of the history of civilisation. The Ottoman Empire began around 1300 as a late-medieval entity, and it transformed several times over its six centuries of existence as it adapted to the conditions of the early modern and modern periods, until its ultimate demise at the end of the First World War.
The Ottoman Empire: A History surveys six hundred years of Ottoman history in a single, concise volume. This book covers the major political, diplomatic, and military events and social, economic, financial, administrative, and legal institutions of the Ottoman Empire from the early fourteenth to the early twentieth century. It also explores the political-administrative and socio-economic transformations the empire has undergone over the centuries. The book frames Ottoman institutional history in terms of the concept of the Circle of Justice in the Middle Eastern state tradition.
In the conclusion, Çetinsaya discusses three key questions and offers some answers to them: What is the relative place of the Ottoman Empire in world history vis-à-vis that of other empires? What factors account for the great longevity of the Ottoman Empire? And how to deal with the controversial legacy of the empire in its successor states? In addition to a series of box texts and tables on various subjects throughout the book, a basic timeline of key dates and events is offered at the beginning of every chapter, and a list of suggested readings at the end.
Osmanlı'dan Günümüze Darbeler, haz. Mehmet Ö. Alkan (Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2021)
Dönüşen Diplomasi ve Türkiye, haz. Ali Resul Usul - İsmail Yaylacı (Küre Yayınları, 2020), 2020
Kürt Aşiretleri, haz. Tuncay Şur - Yalçın Çakmak (İletişim, 2022)
İsmet İnönü, haz. Mehmet. Ö. Alkan (İstanbul: İBB Yayınları, 2021), 2021
Kişilik/mizaç farklılığı ise hemen hemen bütün kaynaklarda vurgulanır. Her ikisinin de biyografis... more Kişilik/mizaç farklılığı ise hemen hemen bütün kaynaklarda vurgulanır. Her ikisinin de biyografisini yazmış olan Şevket Süreyya Aydemir, bu farklılığı "inkilapçılık-hükümetçilik" olarak tasvir eder. Biri "inkılapçı" devlet adamı, diğeri "hükümet adamı"dır. 13 Bunun ötesinde-bütün tanıklıklarda anlatılan-bariz bir özel yaşam (yaşam tarzı) farklılığı yahut uyuşmazlığı da görülmektedir. 14 Buna ilave olarak "etraf/çevre" (sofra veya mutad zevat) argümanı da Atatürk ile İnönü'nün yollarının ayrılmasına sebep olan bir faktör olarak belirtilir. 15 Ve "sofra"yı tamamlayıcı olarak da "alkol" argümanı. Peki bunlar niye daha önce etkili değildi, niye 1937'de etkili oldu sorusunun cevabı ise "hastalık" olarak verilir. Hastalık emareleriyle birlikte Atatürk daha sabırsız,
Encyclopedia by Gökhan Çetinsaya
Ziya Ortaç !erne almayı ölünceye kadar sürdürmüş tür. 1927-1928'de İkdam'da, 1932-1933'-te Cumhur... more Ziya Ortaç !erne almayı ölünceye kadar sürdürmüş tür. 1927-1928'de İkdam'da, 1932-1933'-te Cumhuriyet gazetesinde günlük fıkra lar yazmıştır. 1941' den sonra tenkit ve şi irlerinin bir bölümü Çınaraltı dergisinde yayımlanm ıştır. Bunların dışında Vakit, Ulus, Akşam, Alemdar ve Temaşa gibi gazete ve dergilerde de makaleleri vardır.
Papers by Gökhan Çetinsaya
Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi, Jun 15, 2005
Middle Eastern Studies, Jul 1, 2005
... article is based was partially funded by İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu and part... more ... article is based was partially funded by İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu and partially by a grant from Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA). ... of Osman Hamdi Bey, who worked under Midhat Paşa at Baghdad, to his father, Edhem Paşa, in Edhem Eldem, 'Quelques lettres ...
New by Gökhan Çetinsaya
The Ottoman Empire: A History surveys six hundred years of Ottoman history in a single, concise volume. This book covers the major political, diplomatic, and military events and social, economic, financial, administrative, and legal institutions of the Ottoman Empire from the early fourteenth to the early twentieth century. It also explores the political-administrative and socio-economic transformations the empire has undergone over the centuries. The book frames Ottoman institutional history in terms of the concept of the Circle of Justice in the Middle Eastern state tradition.
In the conclusion, Çetinsaya discusses three key questions and offers some answers to them: What is the relative place of the Ottoman Empire in world history vis-à-vis that of other empires? What factors account for the great longevity of the Ottoman Empire? And how to deal with the controversial legacy of the empire in its successor states? In addition to a series of box texts and tables on various subjects throughout the book, a basic timeline of key dates and events is offered at the beginning of every chapter, and a list of suggested readings at the end.
Encyclopedia by Gökhan Çetinsaya
Papers by Gökhan Çetinsaya
The Ottoman Empire: A History surveys six hundred years of Ottoman history in a single, concise volume. This book covers the major political, diplomatic, and military events and social, economic, financial, administrative, and legal institutions of the Ottoman Empire from the early fourteenth to the early twentieth century. It also explores the political-administrative and socio-economic transformations the empire has undergone over the centuries. The book frames Ottoman institutional history in terms of the concept of the Circle of Justice in the Middle Eastern state tradition.
In the conclusion, Çetinsaya discusses three key questions and offers some answers to them: What is the relative place of the Ottoman Empire in world history vis-à-vis that of other empires? What factors account for the great longevity of the Ottoman Empire? And how to deal with the controversial legacy of the empire in its successor states? In addition to a series of box texts and tables on various subjects throughout the book, a basic timeline of key dates and events is offered at the beginning of every chapter, and a list of suggested readings at the end.