Papers by Dezső Szenkovics

Modern Geográfia
Throughout their history, Hungarians have always looked with great interest at the East, in which... more Throughout their history, Hungarians have always looked with great interest at the East, in which they saw their former homeland, Magna Hungaria. Perhaps this is the reason why the instinctive interest of Hungarian travellers, scientists, merchants and artists was sincere. At the same time, it is surprising that, despite the fact that the Hungarian nation was never one of the European colonizers, many Hungarians, or persons belonging to a minority living in the territory of Hungary, showed interest in the East and came to India over the centuries. These individuals, returning home and writing down the experiences they gained during their stay in India, have contributed significantly to giving Europeans an insight into the exotic world of Indian religions, literature, languages, arts. Without wishing to be exhaustive, the study highlights the development of Hungarian–Indian cultural relations and presents those Hungarians who played an important role in the continuous development of ...

The human population expected to reach 10 billion by 2100, the probability of conflict aggravated... more The human population expected to reach 10 billion by 2100, the probability of conflict aggravated by scarceness over the XXI century is growing. Conflict is likely to be driven by a number of factors: changing climate, urbanization, migration, and food insecurity. According to the FAO 2018 report, global malnutrition rose from 777 million in 2015 to 815 million people in 2016. Data also highlight that the majority of these people live in countries affected by political conflicts (489 million out of 815 million). While significant food support comes from the USA and the EU, this feeds about 100 million peoples annually across 73 countries, their role is of cure and not prevention. Reducing food conflict in politically fragile countries on a sustained basis requires new investment and partnerships to develop biotechnological solutions including genetically modified crops. According to our analyses, GM Bt crops with the scope of food, feed, and processing can improve food security, and in broader way alter political conflicts in developing countries. The food supply chain, and policy decisions about safe GM crops should be the areas worth reconsidering, clear, and constructive reference to safe GM crops as an important option for a higher level of self-sufficiency has to be made.

Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies, 2017
The interinstitutional relations between Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (SHUT) an... more The interinstitutional relations between Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (SHUT) and the University of Pécs are old and very close, but the above mentioned conference was the first one organized by the two institutions in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár. The third organizing partner was the Pallas Athéné Domus Concordiae Foundation of the Central Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank – MNB) . During the two-day conference organized in the period of 30 June–1 July 2017, more than 40 papers were presented in the plenary session and the following four panels . The conference took place in the main building of the Faculty of Cluj/ Kolozsvár of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania . The conference started with a plenary session with three lectures. The first one was given by Mr Norbert Csizmadia, President of Pallas Athéné Geopolitical Foundation, who presented the possibilities and the role of Hungary in the new global geopolitical trends . The second lecture was presented ...
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies
The interest of the Hungarians towards Asia is deeply rooted in the historical fact that the ance... more The interest of the Hungarians towards Asia is deeply rooted in the historical fact that the ancestors of the Hungarian nation arrived in their present country from the East. Over the centuries, this historical fact has significantly determined the interest and openness of the Hungarian people towards the East. In spite of the fact that the Hungarian people did not belong to the European colonizers, during the centuries, a large number of Hungarian travellers (monks, artists, scholars, and nobles) reached the coasts of India and contributed to the spread of Indian religions, literature, languages, arts, etc. in Europe.
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies

Food and Energy Security, 2020
The human population expected to reach 10 billion by 2100, the probability of conflict aggravated... more The human population expected to reach 10 billion by 2100, the probability of conflict aggravated by scarceness over the XXI century is growing. Conflict is likely to be driven by a number of factors: changing climate, urbanization, migration, and food insecurity. According to the FAO 2018 report, global malnutrition rose from 777 million in 2015 to 815 million people in 2016. Data also highlight that the majority of these people live in countries affected by political conflicts (489 million out of
815 million). While significant food support comes from the USA and the EU, this feeds about 100 million peoples annually across 73 countries, their role is of cure and not prevention. Reducing food conflict in politically fragile countries on a sustained basis requires new investment and partnerships to develop biotechnological solutions including genetically modified crops. According to our analyses, GM Bt crops with the scope of food, feed, and processing can improve food security, and in broader way alter political conflicts in developing countries. The food supply chain, and policy decisions about safe GM crops should be the areas worth reconsidering, clear, and constructive reference to safe GM crops as an important option for a higher level of self-sufficiency has to be made.

KKI Elemzések, 2020
A 2019-es esztendő belpolitikai szempontból igencsak zajos volt Indiában. A februári kasmíri terr... more A 2019-es esztendő belpolitikai szempontból igencsak zajos volt Indiában. A februári kasmíri terrortámadás és az azt követő kormányzati válasz, az április-májusban lezajlott parlamenti választások, a Dzsammu és Kasmír szövetségi állam speciális státuszának megszüntetéséről szóló augusztusi kormányzati döntés, az azt követő incidensek, majd az év végi asszámi állampolgársági regiszter és az új állampolgársági törvény miatt kialakult, halálos áldozatokat is követelő tömegtüntetések – ez csak néhány azon események közül, amelyek az elmúlt évben jelentős mértékben borzolták a kedélyeket a távoli országban.
Mondhatnánk, hogy tulajdonképpen nem történt semmi különös: a kasmíri területek körüli vita immár évtizedekre nyúlik vissza, és a különböző vallásos csoportosulások közötti feszültségek sem újak. De ha alaposabban megvizsgáljuk, látni fogjuk, hogy ezúttal valami más és másképp zajlik a világ legnagyobb demokráciájában. A háttérben ugyanis, úgy tűnik, egy tudatos, megfontolt és jól kitervelt kormányzati politika húzódik meg, amely jelentős kihatással lehet az ország fejlődésére, biztonságára, stabilitására vagy akár a külföldi megítélésére. A jelen elemzés célja, hogy megvilágítsa e belpolitikai folyamatok közötti összefüggéseket, és felvázolja azok potenciális veszélyeit.

KKI elemzés, 2020
Összefoglalás: A 2019-es esztendő belpolitikai szempontból igencsak zajos volt Indiában. A februá... more Összefoglalás: A 2019-es esztendő belpolitikai szempontból igencsak zajos volt Indiában. A februári kasmíri terrortámadás és az azt követő kormányzati válasz, az április-májusban lezajlott parlamenti választások, a Dzsammu és Kasmír szövetségi állam speciális státuszának megszüntetéséről szóló augusztusi kormányzati döntés, az azt követő incidensek, majd az év végi asszámi állampolgársági regiszter és az új állampolgársági törvény miatt kialakult, halálos áldozatokat is követelő tömegtüntetések – ez csak néhány azon események közül, amelyek az elmúlt évben jelentős mértékben borzolták a kedélyeket a távoli országban. Mondhatnánk, hogy tulajdonképpen nem történt semmi különös: a kasmíri területek körüli vita immár évtizedekre nyúlik vissza, és a különböző vallásos csoportosulások közötti feszültségek sem újak. De ha alaposabban megvizsgáljuk, látni fogjuk, hogy ezúttal valami más és másképp zajlik a világ legnagyobb demokráciájában. A háttérben ugyanis, úgy tűnik, egy tudatos, megfontolt és jól kitervelt kormányzati politika húzódik meg, amely jelentős kihatással lehet az ország fejlődésére, biztonságára, stabilitására vagy akár a külföldi megítélésére. A jelen elemzés célja, hogy megvilágítsa e belpolitikai folyamatok közötti összefüggéseket, és felvázolja azok potenciális veszélyeit.
Kulcsszavak: India, terrortámadás, parlamenti választások, állampolgársági törvény, tömegtüntetések
Abstract: The year 2019 was a very noisy one in India in terms of home affairs. The February terrorist attack in Kashmir and the subsequent government responses, the April-May parliamentary elections, the August government decision to end up the special status of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the subsequent incidents, followed by the end of the year’s deaths claiming mass demonstrations due to the Assam’s National Register of Citizens and the new Citizenship Amendment Act, are just a few of the events that agitated the spirits in India last year. Actually we could say that, in fact, nothing strange went on: the dispute on the Kashmir territories are decades old and the tensions between the various religious groups are not new in India. But if we look closely, we can see that this time something different is happening in the world’s largest democracy. In the background there seems to be a conscious, deliberate and well-planned government policy that can have a significant impact on the country’s development, security, stability or even its foreign perception. The purpose of this analysis is to shed light on the interrelationships between these domestic policy processes and to outline their potential dangers.
Keywords: India, terrorist attack, parliamentary elections, Citizenship Amendment, Act, mass demonstrations.

The central question emphasized by the paper is that whether in the 21 st century's globalized wo... more The central question emphasized by the paper is that whether in the 21 st century's globalized world the Gandhian message still has or could have any actuality in managing our century's real challenges such as terrorism or the deepening moral crisis of the humanity. In order to be able to do this, the paper will fi rst of all present, analyse and comment on the most important concepts I consider the Gandhian thought is based on such as satya (Truth), ahimsa (non-violence) and satyagraha (as Gandhi loosely translated: holding on to truth, which in fact is the philosophy and practice of the non-violent resistance). I have to admit that in my paper I will consider Gandhi as a philosopher or a thinker even if he did not agree with me or even if it were hard to consider him a philosopher according to European traditions and European canon regarding philosophy. As we know, he personally declared that writing an academic text was beyond his power and he was not built for such kind of writings. Secondly, the paper will emphasize those aspects and concepts of the Gandhian thought which could give an answer to the core question of the paper, trying to prove that at least two of the presented concepts could be considered relevant and useful in our times, even if at fi rst impression all of these key concepts of the Gandhian thought seem to be a utopia and useless. It seems that Gandhi, through his ideas and thoughts, " is still alive " and is among us after more than 60 years of his death. It seems that we, all human beings, still have to learn from the ideas, from the writings and acts of the Mahatma.
Papers by Dezső Szenkovics
815 million). While significant food support comes from the USA and the EU, this feeds about 100 million peoples annually across 73 countries, their role is of cure and not prevention. Reducing food conflict in politically fragile countries on a sustained basis requires new investment and partnerships to develop biotechnological solutions including genetically modified crops. According to our analyses, GM Bt crops with the scope of food, feed, and processing can improve food security, and in broader way alter political conflicts in developing countries. The food supply chain, and policy decisions about safe GM crops should be the areas worth reconsidering, clear, and constructive reference to safe GM crops as an important option for a higher level of self-sufficiency has to be made.
Mondhatnánk, hogy tulajdonképpen nem történt semmi különös: a kasmíri területek körüli vita immár évtizedekre nyúlik vissza, és a különböző vallásos csoportosulások közötti feszültségek sem újak. De ha alaposabban megvizsgáljuk, látni fogjuk, hogy ezúttal valami más és másképp zajlik a világ legnagyobb demokráciájában. A háttérben ugyanis, úgy tűnik, egy tudatos, megfontolt és jól kitervelt kormányzati politika húzódik meg, amely jelentős kihatással lehet az ország fejlődésére, biztonságára, stabilitására vagy akár a külföldi megítélésére. A jelen elemzés célja, hogy megvilágítsa e belpolitikai folyamatok közötti összefüggéseket, és felvázolja azok potenciális veszélyeit.
Kulcsszavak: India, terrortámadás, parlamenti választások, állampolgársági törvény, tömegtüntetések
Abstract: The year 2019 was a very noisy one in India in terms of home affairs. The February terrorist attack in Kashmir and the subsequent government responses, the April-May parliamentary elections, the August government decision to end up the special status of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the subsequent incidents, followed by the end of the year’s deaths claiming mass demonstrations due to the Assam’s National Register of Citizens and the new Citizenship Amendment Act, are just a few of the events that agitated the spirits in India last year. Actually we could say that, in fact, nothing strange went on: the dispute on the Kashmir territories are decades old and the tensions between the various religious groups are not new in India. But if we look closely, we can see that this time something different is happening in the world’s largest democracy. In the background there seems to be a conscious, deliberate and well-planned government policy that can have a significant impact on the country’s development, security, stability or even its foreign perception. The purpose of this analysis is to shed light on the interrelationships between these domestic policy processes and to outline their potential dangers.
Keywords: India, terrorist attack, parliamentary elections, Citizenship Amendment, Act, mass demonstrations.
815 million). While significant food support comes from the USA and the EU, this feeds about 100 million peoples annually across 73 countries, their role is of cure and not prevention. Reducing food conflict in politically fragile countries on a sustained basis requires new investment and partnerships to develop biotechnological solutions including genetically modified crops. According to our analyses, GM Bt crops with the scope of food, feed, and processing can improve food security, and in broader way alter political conflicts in developing countries. The food supply chain, and policy decisions about safe GM crops should be the areas worth reconsidering, clear, and constructive reference to safe GM crops as an important option for a higher level of self-sufficiency has to be made.
Mondhatnánk, hogy tulajdonképpen nem történt semmi különös: a kasmíri területek körüli vita immár évtizedekre nyúlik vissza, és a különböző vallásos csoportosulások közötti feszültségek sem újak. De ha alaposabban megvizsgáljuk, látni fogjuk, hogy ezúttal valami más és másképp zajlik a világ legnagyobb demokráciájában. A háttérben ugyanis, úgy tűnik, egy tudatos, megfontolt és jól kitervelt kormányzati politika húzódik meg, amely jelentős kihatással lehet az ország fejlődésére, biztonságára, stabilitására vagy akár a külföldi megítélésére. A jelen elemzés célja, hogy megvilágítsa e belpolitikai folyamatok közötti összefüggéseket, és felvázolja azok potenciális veszélyeit.
Kulcsszavak: India, terrortámadás, parlamenti választások, állampolgársági törvény, tömegtüntetések
Abstract: The year 2019 was a very noisy one in India in terms of home affairs. The February terrorist attack in Kashmir and the subsequent government responses, the April-May parliamentary elections, the August government decision to end up the special status of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the subsequent incidents, followed by the end of the year’s deaths claiming mass demonstrations due to the Assam’s National Register of Citizens and the new Citizenship Amendment Act, are just a few of the events that agitated the spirits in India last year. Actually we could say that, in fact, nothing strange went on: the dispute on the Kashmir territories are decades old and the tensions between the various religious groups are not new in India. But if we look closely, we can see that this time something different is happening in the world’s largest democracy. In the background there seems to be a conscious, deliberate and well-planned government policy that can have a significant impact on the country’s development, security, stability or even its foreign perception. The purpose of this analysis is to shed light on the interrelationships between these domestic policy processes and to outline their potential dangers.
Keywords: India, terrorist attack, parliamentary elections, Citizenship Amendment, Act, mass demonstrations.