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The title is referencing Hans Belting’s differentiation between image and medium: “images resemble nomads in the sense that they take residence in one medium after another” (Belting 2005. 310). This paper tries to build a methodolgical... more
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      New MediaMedia HistoryUser-Generated ContentFamily Film
The semantics of the term home movie incorporates in itself the questions raised by the context as a relevant factor in defining this movie type. The paper discusses what roles can be assigned by the different theories/analyses to context... more
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      Autobiographical Self-RepresentationVisual AutobiographyHome moviesAuto/biography
Within the strategies built upon the intentional weakening of the diegetic efficiency a group apart is formed by those films which try to reach this gesture of destruction by resorting to the diegetically weaker, in this sense... more
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      SynaesthesiaIntermedialityIntermediality In CinemaSilent Cinema
The fascination of filmmakers with children is constant ever since the first home movies from the 1900’s to the user generated videos of the new media age. This study unfolds the amateur filmmaking practices of a family’s two generations... more
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      CommunismHome moviesAmateur FilmMedia Practice
The author presents methodological concept devoted to studies of home movies. She combines in an original way broad range of discourses. For example she utilizes André Gaudreault’s and Philippe Marion’s studies on the genealogy of media,... more
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      Media HistoryIntermedialityHome moviesGenealogy of Media
Amateur filmmaking wasn’t a widespread practice in the socialist Romania, and the few relics of it remained unnoticed, are hidden in the private lives and homes of the former cineastes. Research has to work with fragments of films, pieces... more
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      Home moviesAmateur Film
A talált képek, talált filmfelvételek újrahasznosításának etnográfiai/antropológiai potenciálja van, annak ellenére, hogy ezekből a képekből hiányzik a kutató tekintete, a résztvevő megfigyelő jelenléte, ami szavatolná a felvételek... more
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      CommunismIntermediality In CinemaDocumentary FilmFiguration
The majority of home movies contain pictures of people, they are filmic human portraits, and – to use Hans Beltings terms – they are a medium of the body (Belting 2005). The family films portray human figures and faces whose realism is... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodIntermedialityHistory of Childhood and YouthChildren's Media
Ever since the emergence of the first technologies destined for amateur filmmakers, the most frequently recorded portraits in home movies have been children’s. This article analyses the characteristics of children’s portraiture in home... more
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      IntermedialityAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodHome moviesCorporeality
SUMMARY The Genealogy of Home Movies. Transylvanian Amateur Media Practices from Photography to New Media Private film makers continue the line of the ancient cultural activity of observation, recording and contemplation: „home movies,... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFamily studiesMedia History
lására). Végül annak vizsgálata következik, hogy a négy családi lmgyűjteményben a kamerának szegezett tekintetek, mozdulatok hogyan leplezik le a mozgóképpel való találkozást és a médiumspeci kusságról 180 való gondolkodás történetét.... more
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      Media StudiesVisual CultureChildren's MediaHome movies
The amateur and private filmmaking practice during the socialist years in Romania (1945–1989) didn’t become an extensively researched field, although the history of the non-professional use of the medium of film can disclose the intricate... more
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      SocialismAmateur FilmMedia PracticeHome Movies and Amateur Film
A 19. században felbukkanó fotografikus kép használatának a terjedése Kolozsvárt sem kerülte el, az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia városaival egyidőben jelentek meg a városban a fotóstúdiók, a városról készült képeslapok grafikáit fényképek... more
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      Visual AnthropologyVisual CultureTransylvaniaHistory of photography
This article examines how sensual aspects of the moving image, such as visual errors, blurring and technical disturbances are employed in found footage films dealing with Eastern European socialist past and the regime changing events. In... more
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      IntermedialityDocumentary FilmEastern European CinemaSensation and Perception
Keywords: Eastern Europe, non-fiction film, photography, Anca Damian, Vladislava Plančíková, Radu Jude. There is a tendency in recent non-fiction film to re-contextualise archival photographs in highly mediated environments. In films like... more
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      PhotographyAnimated DocumentaryIntermedialityGeorges Didi-Huberman
Tanulmányom a videókészítésnek és -vetítésnek egy olyan esetét mutatja be, amelyik egy újfajta rálátást nyújthat az 1989-as rendszerváltást megelőző és követő évtized mentalitására Gyergyószentmiklós és Székelyudvarhely térségében. Az... more
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      Media StudiesMedia HistoryEastern European historyMedia Theory
The title is referencing Hans Belting’s differentiation between image and medium: “images resemble nomads in the sense that they take residence in one medium after another” (Belting 2005, 310). This paper tries to build a methodolgical... more
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      Visual AnthropologyFilm StudiesHans BeltingHome Video
There is a tendency in recent nonfiction film to recontextualise archival photographs in creative ways. In films like Felvidék. Caught In-Between (Vladislava Plančíková, 2014) photographs are part of a collage work, while films like... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Georges Didi-HubermanPhotography TheoryCollective Memory
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The amateur and private filmmaking practice during the socialist years in Romania (1945–1989) didn’t become an extensively researched field, although the history of the non-professional use of the medium of film can disclose the intricate... more
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