No resulta novedoso, pero sí práctico, recordar que el contrato de trabajo, como los seres vivos, tiene un ciclo vital y certero: uno y otros nacen, se desarrollan, afrontan vicisitudes y finalmente mueren. La suspensión es precisamente... more
Pulsewidth modulated (PWM) current-source rectifiers (CSR), among other alternatives, offer marked improvements over thyristor line-commutated rectifiers as a source of variable dc power. Advantages include reduced line current harmonic... more
Current-source-inverter-based uninterruptible power supplies and V =f V =f V =f-controlled induction motor drives require sensing of two or more load voltages in addition to the dc voltage sensors used for protection purposes. This paper... more
This paper presents an overview analysis and a discussion of field experience with different drive configurations used in shovel applications. The analysis includes different drive topologies, shovel duty cycles for a typical truck pass... more
Standard low-and medium-power induction motor drives are based on the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) voltagesource inverter fed from a diode rectifier. The dual topology, based on the current-source inverter/rectifier structure is used in... more
In this paper, a phase-locked loop algorithm appropriated for digital-signal-processor-based control implementations, where the operation of a static-power converter needs to be synchronized with an ac network, is presented. The proposed... more
A new modulation and control strategy for a matrix converter induction motor drive is presented in this paper. A discrete model of the converter, motor and input filter is used to predict the behaviour of torque, flux and input power of... more
A simple control scheme for hybrid active power filters connected in parallel is presented and analysed. The hybrid active power filter combines the compensation characteristics of resonant passive and active power filters. The series... more
This paper presents the performance analysis of a hybrid filter composed of passive and active filters connected in series. The analysis is done by evaluating the influence of passive filter parameters variations and the effects that... more
Multi-cell power circuit topologies have probed to be an effective alternative to medium-voltage AC drives. Commercial units are built up based on modular units, namely cells, which are composed of a three-phase diode-based front-end... more
New regulations impose more stringent limits on current harmonics injected by power converters that are achieved with pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifiers. In addition, several applications demand the capability of power regeneration to... more
This paper presents the implementation of a predictive control scheme for an indirect matrix converter. The control scheme selects the switching state that minimizes the reactive power and the error in the output currents according to... more
A simple control scheme for hybrid active power filters connected in parallel is presented and analyzed in this paper. The hybrid active power filter combines the compensation characteristics of resonant passive and active power filters.... more
On-line pulsewidth modulation (PWM) pattern generators for current-source rectifiers and inverters offer a number of control advantages over off-line optimized patterns. However, when implemented using the principles which apply to... more
Harmonics are a very important issue in the design and operation of medium voltage inverter drives due to restrictions imposed by regulations. This paper studies the harmonics generated in a three-phase cascaded multi-cell inverter with... more
This paper proposes a simple linear feedback-based control technique that ensures zero-neutral-point (NP) potential in three-level voltage-source inverters. The technique works even under dynamic load conditions and enables the decoupled... more
Multicell power circuit topologies have proved to be an effective alternative to medium-voltage ac drives. The main advantage is the improved power quality at both the ac system and the motor sides. However, several drawbacks are present... more