Chocolate, an aphrodesiac |
September 5th, 2005 at 1:02am ] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
Hi and welcome to another edition of 16bit_theatre! Yes, this is another comic gone animated short. It's funnier this way, so... Enjoy!
( Enter the 16bit_dramaCollapse )
Oh hey, guess what? We gots ourselves a new affiliate! Joy! Don't forget to stop by ____eljay
C-I-A-B-A-Double T-A
Peace Out
Sorry for the delay! |
September 1st, 2005 at 12:58pm ] |
[ |
mood |
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bursting in 16 bit sweat |
] |
Hey guys I'm back, well, I've been back actually. I've just been having trouble with the ferret you see, I just couldn't seem to 16bit-ify one... but I think I managed. Yup so here's another update. Hope you like it ^^
( what would PETA say about this?Collapse )