Papers by Monika Podkowińska

Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae, 2025
Abstract: Home is a place where young people grow up, learn and develop the skills necessary for ... more Abstract: Home is a place where young people grow up, learn and develop the skills necessary for effective participation in society. It is the place where attitudes, opinions, and behaviours of the youngest family members are formed, including those concerning the natural environment. The aim of the article is to explore the role of the family home – specifically the family – in shaping the environmental awareness of Poles. The topic presented in the article is based on the literature on the subject, as well as the results of research on issues related to the environmental awareness of Poles (e.g., CBOS, EcoBarometr, Report on the study of environmental awareness and behaviour of Polish residents 2022). The authors employed desk research to analyse existing data. Studies (EcoBarometr 2023; EcoBarometr 2024) reveal that the primary source of information on the natural environment is the media, rather than the family. For young people, the Internet is becoming the dominant source, while television becomes increasingly significant with age. The results of the research presented in the article also indicate that the vast majority of Poles engage in environmentally friendly activities within their households (e.g. waste segregation). However, the motivations for taking such actions are influenced not only by environmental concerns but also equally by economic considerations. The family environment is not a setting where discussions are a key tool for fostering environmental awareness of Poles. Neither home nor school, in the opinion of the respondents, is the main source of information about the natural environment. This highlights the need to emphasise the family’s role in shaping young people’s environmental attitudes and behaviors.

Seminare. Poszukiwania Naukowe, 2024
Cyberspace is an important communication area that can be considered both from the perspective of... more Cyberspace is an important communication area that can be considered both from the perspective of external and internal (family) communication. One can also look at this space of communication from the perspective of threats and opportunities for the family and young people. The article was based on non-reactive research techniques, mainly on the analysis of existing data. The author, based on the literature on the subject and the results of nationwide research on the use of the Internet by young people (“Teenagers 3.0,” 2021; “Teenagers 3.0,” 2023, “Teenagers towards digital pornography,” 2022 reports. NASK-PIB), raises the issue of threats related to cyberspace in the context of family and family communication. The author also pays attention to the features of virtual communities, presents communication threats related to young people’s entry into the world of the Internet and cyberspace, and points to the challenges that modern families come up against in the face of these threats. The presented research results indicate many discrepancies in how parents and children perceive the rules regarding the use of the Internet and the threats related to cyberspace. In a situation where there is no open communication in the sphere of family communication, problems resulting from young people using the Internet inappropriately are hidden in silence. This poses an important challenge for modern families.

Family Forum, 2024
Background: Parental communication is an important subsystem of family communication. In the lite... more Background: Parental communication is an important subsystem of family communication. In the literature on the subject, it is often discussed in terms of communication style, speaking and listening, and therefore it is analysed in the context of verbal and non-verbal communication. However, an important issue in parental communication is not only what has been said, but also what has been passed over in silence. Therefore, it is also worth paying attention to silence as an important form of parental communication. Objectives: The authors set themselves the goal of drawing attention to silence in the sphere of parental communication in the context of young people using the Internet. In a silent home, many problems and family matters remain unspoken. In this context, silence takes on a new dimension, especially in parental communication in the context of teenagers using the Internet. It presents silence, which replaces face-to-face conversation, which fills interpersonal communication in the family, but not by supporting verbal communication or supporting the active listening process, but by constituting an alternative to talking about problems, often difficult and sensitive issues. It is from this perspective that the authors discuss silent parental communication. Methodology: The first part of the article presents the results of research on the silent home. The research was conducted between November 24-27, 2020 on a sample selected in a quota manner, from the SW Panel online panel administered by SW Research. (1,072 respondents). The survey was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) technique. The second part of the article uses a secondary analysis of quantitative data from research conducted in 2022 "Teenagers 3.0" (NASK-PIB
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych, 2018
Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 2014
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe, 2020
The article presents the selected principles of interpersonal communication in social work, payin... more The article presents the selected principles of interpersonal communication in social work, paying attention to communication rules referring to active listening, choosing the right questions, or adapting the language to the interlocutor. The authors devoted a special place to communication awareness and the look at interpersonal communication as a meeting with an individual, a unique an exceptional person. In addition to the selected communication principles, the authors has also presented the selected dilemmas and communication difficulties that determine the quality of the conversation, its course and effects.
Seminare, Dec 31, 2020
The article presents the selected principles of interpersonal communication in social work, payin... more The article presents the selected principles of interpersonal communication in social work, paying attention to communication rules referring to active listening, choosing the right questions, or adapting the language to the interlocutor. The authors devoted a special place to communication awareness and the look at interpersonal communication as a meeting with an individual, a unique an exceptional person. In addition to the selected communication principles, the authors has also presented the selected dilemmas and communication difficulties that determine the quality of the conversation, its course and effects.

Proceedings of The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health —Public Health Issues in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021
Aim: The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was an event that fundamentally changed the way peop... more Aim: The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was an event that fundamentally changed the way people live and the functioning of the health system in Poland. The study aimed to examine whether the pandemic and the associated lockdown caused Polish people to engage in more self-medication-related behaviors. Method: An online survey of a quota sample of 1013 people was obtained, the sample being representative of the Polish adult population with respect to gender, age, place of residence (in terms of population size), province of residence, and education. The survey was carried out just after implementation of the last stage of the Polish government’s defrosting process on June 6, which allowed Poles to return to a “new normality”. Results: Almost half of the respondents (45.6%) indicated that they had engaged in at least one behavior associated with inappropriate self-medication during lockdown: 17.9% had taken medication for the enhancement of physical/cognitive performance; 16.9% ha...

PLOS ONE, Jun 15, 2022
Introduction The emergence of the virus Sars-CoV-2, and subsequent COVID-19 pandemic, caused a gl... more Introduction The emergence of the virus Sars-CoV-2, and subsequent COVID-19 pandemic, caused a global threat to public health. In such challenging and worrying situations it can be expected that people will seek comfort in religion. However, before the pandemic there were never such wide world disruptions of religious practice-because of social distancing regulations, religiosity cannot be practiced in the same way as it was before the pandemic. Methods Two anonymous online surveys were conducted of adult Poles, one during the second wave (N = 1072; November 2020) and one during the third wave of the pandemic (N = 1080; April 2021). The survey samples of participants reflected the Polish population structure in terms of age, sex, size of place of residence, education, and province. Results Participation in institutional religious practices fell threefold to 11.9% during the pandemic, as compared to pre-pandemic times (31.2%). The number of people who did not go to church at all increased from 23.1% to 57.0%. Between the second and third waves, there was a small return to regular practice (from 10.1% to 14.1%). Based on the subjective assessment of the amount of time devoted to prayer, fewer people reporting an increase (10.6%) than a decrease (20.1%) in religious commitment during the pandemic. Logistic regressions showed that an increase in religious commitment can be predicted by older age, more frequent participation in religious practices before the pandemic, and higher life satisfaction. A decrease in religious commitment can be predicted by younger age, less frequent participation in religious practices before the pandemic, and greater number of children in the household. Conclusion Our research indicates a deintensification of religious practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. The pandemic has accelerated process of polarization of Polish religiosity.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe, 2020
The article presents the selected principles of interpersonal communication in social work, payin... more The article presents the selected principles of interpersonal communication in social work, paying attention to communication rules referring to active listening, choosing the right questions, or adapting the language to the interlocutor. The authors devoted a special place to communication awareness and the look at interpersonal communication as a meeting with an individual, a unique an exceptional person. In addition to the selected communication principles, the authors has also presented the selected dilemmas and communication difficulties that determine the quality of the conversation, its course and effects.

Family Forum
Background. Home is an extremely important place in human life. Its significance in culture is ev... more Background. Home is an extremely important place in human life. Its significance in culture is evidenced by the multitude of terms, expressions and synonyms used in Polish to describe a house. The relationship between the institution of home and people over the centuries is unquestionable. That is why it is worth looking at the issues related to the home from the perspective of social sciences.Objectives. The authors drew attention to the various interpretations of the concept of home and its meaning, referring to the image of home in the eyes of Poles. The research results show what Poles associate the word home with and what it means for them from the perspective of meeting the need for security, intimacy and love. The article answers the question of whether these are the concepts that Poles associate with home, as well as family home in which they grew up. Methodology. In the article, the authors present the results of the research conducted in the period of November 24–27, 2020 on a sample of 1072 respondents. The sample was selected on a quota basis, from the SW Panel web panel administered by SW Research. The survey was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) technique
Results. Research shows that Poles associate the word home primarily with family, secu-rity, shelter and intimacy. As many as 84% of Poles surveyed indicated family as a word they associate with the concept of home.For the majority (68%), the family home in which the respondents grew up is associated primarily with a safe haven. This house is associated with joy (62%) and love (63%). It is a house that respondents simply like (67%)Conclusions. A home is primarily a family, it is a place that allows you to feel safe. Less frequently, Poles identify the word home only with a residential building, a place of per-manent residence (34%), or symbolically with the homeland (18%). Therefore, the impor-tance of the home from the perspective of the analysis of family life seems unquestionable. An important issue remains the fact that Poles now associate home with positive emo-tions, security (70%), peace and quiet (54%), and not with noise, understatement, secrecy or a lie (3%).

Problemy społeczne. Trwałość i zmienność w dynamicznej rzeczywistości. Księga jubileuszowa z okazji 45-lecia pracy naukowej i dydaktycznej Profesor Jolanty Grotowskiej-Leder
Książka w obliczu dynamicznych zmian rzeczywistości Streszczenie W artykule Autorka przedstawia m... more Książka w obliczu dynamicznych zmian rzeczywistości Streszczenie W artykule Autorka przedstawia miejsce książki w komunikacyjnym świecie człowieka, wskazując na dostępne czytelnikowi różnorodne formy zapisu słowa i różnorodne formy książek w obliczu dynamicznych zmian rzeczywistości. Autorka omawia funkcję komunikacyjną książki w ramach funkcji informacyjnej, autoprezentacji i wywierania wpływu. Przedstawia również papierową i elektroniczną formę książki, zwracając uwagę na znaczenie Internetu i crowdsourcingu dla kodowania i dekodowania przekazów zawartych w książkach. Przedstawiono również przykład miniaturowych książek, których gromadzenie i kolekcjonowanie może stanowić ciekawe hobby pozwalające na realizację funkcji związanej z dostarczaniem rozrywki, relaksu i rozwojem zainteresowań. W przypadku miniaturowych książek Autorka zwróciła również uwagę na traktowanie książki jako swoistego rodzaju talizmanu. Obok problematyki książki i zmian jej form wobec przeobrażeń rzeczywistości Autorka przedstawiła również wyniki badań prowadzonych systematycznie niemalże od trzech dekad przez Bibliotekę Narodową, które wskazują na poziom czytelnictwa w Polsce, w tym w okresie przed kryzysem wywołanym rozprzestrzenianiem się wirusa SARS-CoV-2 i w czasie pandemii.

Family Forum, 2022
Background: The development of civil society is based on dialogue and participation. Young people... more Background: The development of civil society is based on dialogue and participation. Young people are characterized by low interest in social activity and building a civil society, therefore it seems crucial to look at what education for participation looks like. Objectives: The authors considered the issue of dialogue and social participation in the context of education and development of young Poles. The authors drew attention to the forms and importance of civic dialogue, as well as diagnosed the goals, functions and deficits of civic education. Methodology: The topic was presented on the basis of the literature on the subject, the results of sociological research and hard data on the forms and scale of civic involvement in Poland, especially in Warsaw. Data analysis in the form of desk research was used. Results: Research by CBOS and KBPN shows that only 40% of young people who could take part in the 2018 elections for the first time in their lives intended to exercise their rig...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 2017
The article refers to the issues related with the importance of emotions in the process of commun... more The article refers to the issues related with the importance of emotions in the process of communication. The article presents types of emotions; it describes one of the types of feedback, which is expressing sympathy, pointing to verbal phrases, which do not comfort the interlocutor. The authors also note the importance of non-verbal communication as a form of communication primarily serving the transmission of emotions, stressing that the face and eyes are the main means of expressing emotions. The article also presents the relationship between the nature of parental communication and self-esteem of the child, pointing to examples of positive and negative messages.

SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2018
The article presents the importance of non-verbal communication in the sphere of education at the... more The article presents the importance of non-verbal communication in the sphere of education at the level of higher education. In terms of the didactic process, education, two types of communication deserve special attention, i.e. public and interpersonal communication. The author presented the characteristics of the above types of communication situation and differences in the non-verbal feedback that are visible between the lecturer’s direct conversation with the student and the lecture given by the academic teacher. The article also indicates the types and functions of non-verbal behaviours, devoting particular attention to uses related to the use of proxemics in education. The significance of proxemics was characterised in the sphere of teaching, paying attention to issues concerning the feeling of congestion or maintaining distance relative to the communicative situation and goals between the academic teacher and a student. The factors determining the issues related to the feelin...
Books by Monika Podkowińska
Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, 2017
Książka dotyczy problematyki związanej z wykorzystaniem narzędzi i form komunikacji w sferze pomo... more Książka dotyczy problematyki związanej z wykorzystaniem narzędzi i form komunikacji w sferze pomocy rodzinom pogrążonym w kryzysie. Komunikacja jest traktowana z jednej strony jako ważne narzędzie służące pomocy rodzinom, narzędzie jakże ważne w obszarze pracy socjalnej, a z drugiej strony jako podstawowe narzędzie kształtowania więzi i budowania właściwej atmosfery domowego ogniska. W książce zwrócono uwagę nie tylko na dwie podstawowe formy komunikacji jakimi są słowa oraz zachowania niewerbalne, ale także na milczenie jako ważny środek wyrazu.
Proces komunikacji został przedstawiony z perspektywy rodziny oraz pracy socjalnej i pomocy rodzinom pogrążonym w kryzysie.

Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, 2016
Publikacja poświęcona została problematyce komunikacji rodzinnej, która stanowi ważny czynnik de... more Publikacja poświęcona została problematyce komunikacji rodzinnej, która stanowi ważny czynnik determinujący życie każdej rodziny. Dom rodzinny jako przestrzeń komunikacji familijnej to miejsce, w którym najmłodsi członkowie rodziny uczą się zasad komunikacji - zasad, które odnoszą się zarówno do komunikacji wewnętrznej jak i zewnętrznej. Jak zauważono we wstępie od komunikacji rodzinnej nie można uciec, a znajomość jej zasad pozwala na budowanie satysfakcjonujących więzi, zrozumienie problemów, uczuć i oczekiwań bliskich osób, a także umożliwia rozwój kompetencji komunikacyjnych, pozwalając na właściwe i odpowiednie porozumiewanie się również poza domem rodzinnym.
W tym kontekście, biorąc pod uwagę znaczenie komunikacji familijnej w życiu człowieka przedstawione w niniejszej pracy zbiorowej artykuły zostały zaprezentowane w ramach 3 części zatytułowanych: Modele, style i wzorce komunikacji rodzinnej; Komunikacja rodzinna - konflikty, problemy i bariery; Różne oblicza komunikacji w rodzinie
Papers by Monika Podkowińska
Results. Research shows that Poles associate the word home primarily with family, secu-rity, shelter and intimacy. As many as 84% of Poles surveyed indicated family as a word they associate with the concept of home.For the majority (68%), the family home in which the respondents grew up is associated primarily with a safe haven. This house is associated with joy (62%) and love (63%). It is a house that respondents simply like (67%)Conclusions. A home is primarily a family, it is a place that allows you to feel safe. Less frequently, Poles identify the word home only with a residential building, a place of per-manent residence (34%), or symbolically with the homeland (18%). Therefore, the impor-tance of the home from the perspective of the analysis of family life seems unquestionable. An important issue remains the fact that Poles now associate home with positive emo-tions, security (70%), peace and quiet (54%), and not with noise, understatement, secrecy or a lie (3%).
Books by Monika Podkowińska
Proces komunikacji został przedstawiony z perspektywy rodziny oraz pracy socjalnej i pomocy rodzinom pogrążonym w kryzysie.
W tym kontekście, biorąc pod uwagę znaczenie komunikacji familijnej w życiu człowieka przedstawione w niniejszej pracy zbiorowej artykuły zostały zaprezentowane w ramach 3 części zatytułowanych: Modele, style i wzorce komunikacji rodzinnej; Komunikacja rodzinna - konflikty, problemy i bariery; Różne oblicza komunikacji w rodzinie
Results. Research shows that Poles associate the word home primarily with family, secu-rity, shelter and intimacy. As many as 84% of Poles surveyed indicated family as a word they associate with the concept of home.For the majority (68%), the family home in which the respondents grew up is associated primarily with a safe haven. This house is associated with joy (62%) and love (63%). It is a house that respondents simply like (67%)Conclusions. A home is primarily a family, it is a place that allows you to feel safe. Less frequently, Poles identify the word home only with a residential building, a place of per-manent residence (34%), or symbolically with the homeland (18%). Therefore, the impor-tance of the home from the perspective of the analysis of family life seems unquestionable. An important issue remains the fact that Poles now associate home with positive emo-tions, security (70%), peace and quiet (54%), and not with noise, understatement, secrecy or a lie (3%).
Proces komunikacji został przedstawiony z perspektywy rodziny oraz pracy socjalnej i pomocy rodzinom pogrążonym w kryzysie.
W tym kontekście, biorąc pod uwagę znaczenie komunikacji familijnej w życiu człowieka przedstawione w niniejszej pracy zbiorowej artykuły zostały zaprezentowane w ramach 3 części zatytułowanych: Modele, style i wzorce komunikacji rodzinnej; Komunikacja rodzinna - konflikty, problemy i bariery; Różne oblicza komunikacji w rodzinie