Papers by Andrzej Jodłowski
Prace Instytutu Podstaw Informatyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2001
Streszczenie angielskie: The paper discusses the concept of dynamic object roles as a facility fo... more Streszczenie angielskie: The paper discusses the concept of dynamic object roles as a facility for conceptual modeling and as a data structure to be implemented in object-oriented database management systems. Emphasis is put on implications of this concept for an object model ...
Dynamic object roles constitute a promising conceptual modeling notion, which can express in a st... more Dynamic object roles constitute a promising conceptual modeling notion, which can express in a straightforward manner some real situations when an entity during its life can acquire and lose various roles without changing its identity. The paper focuses on the problem of introducing dynamic object roles into the UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram, which is used to present object-
Intelligent Information Systems 2002, 2002
ABSTRACT In this paper we discuss forms of data storage in knowledge systems. A set of selected s... more ABSTRACT In this paper we discuss forms of data storage in knowledge systems. A set of selected software systems is analysed. Then a new system called InlenStar is briefly presented and its structure of database is widely discussed, as an example of the structure of knowledge database.
Flexible Query Answering Systems, 2001

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
This paper discusses some of the implications of introducing the dynamic object role concept into... more This paper discusses some of the implications of introducing the dynamic object role concept into object-oriented metamodels on both implementational and conceptual modeling levels in a coordinated way. The notion is expected to become one of the most fundamental constructs of an object data model and our research concerning object query languages allows us to state that it can be cleanly incorporated into existing object models. On the other hand the total cost of introducing the new notion needs to be considered. Thus, in this paper we look for a lightweight way of introducing object roles, depending as far as possible on already existing and popular concepts. Looking at the issue from the object database point of view, we discuss the necessary extensions and emphasize the importance of direct support of implemented notions from the means of conceptual modeling.
International Database Engineering and Application Symposium, 2004
The conceptual modeling of real-life situations often requires expressing some kind of multiple, ... more The conceptual modeling of real-life situations often requires expressing some kind of multiple, multi-aspect or dynamic specialization. On the other hand, multiple or dynamic inheritance impose troublesome anomalies and thus are sporadically and not fully supported by development tools. In this paper we suggest a new approach to the concept of dynamic object roles, capable of expressing all the mentioned
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Abstract In the paper we propose a new approach to the concept of dynamic object roles The approa... more Abstract In the paper we propose a new approach to the concept of dynamic object roles The approach assumes, among others, that: a role is a distinguished subobject for an object; a role dynamically inherits attributes' values and methods of its parent object; objects can be ac - cessed by their names as well as by the names of their
Papers by Andrzej Jodłowski