This community was created in response to the results of a Gallup poll, which revealed that only 12% of Americans believe that evolution occurs without divine guidance. "Only 12% back evolution and say 'God had no part,'" was the pivotal statement. Carl Sagan called science "a candle in the dark" of a world besieged by superstition and pseudoscience. We are proud members of that 12%, and will, in our own small way, help to shelter and tend the precious light of rationality.
Plus, we like to talk about it on the Internet. Because the Internet is all about reasoned, rational discourse. Right?
There's only one major ground rule to remember: this is not a democracy. While we firmly expect to hear from the remaining 88%, the core values of this community are a belief in science, and an inherent skepticism regarding the supernatural. If you want to disagree, that's fine, but be prepared to do it rationally, and with at least a modicum of repect. Reasonable dissent is one thing. Comments threatening people with hellfire (or generalizing all people of faith as stupid) are crap and will be deleted.
For the time being, anyone is invited to post. Joining is encouraged, but not required. That may change, depending mostly on the whims of the moderator(s). Enjoy!