Following are four drabbles... my offering to the altar of the twins. All of the drabbles actually center around them switching places, so... enjoy!
- Title: Fed Up
- Word Count: 100
- Characters: Molly, young twins
- Notes: Don't ask me what got me started in this vein, but the place-switching thing caught my eye.
( Fed UpCollapse )- Title: History Class
- Word Count: 100
- Characters: Hogwarts-age twins
- Notes: Doesn't everyone wish they could do this?
( History ClassCollapse )- Title: Worthy
- Word Count: 100
- Characters: Hogwarts-era twins, mention of Katie
- Notes: With love to
kaz814 and her lovely Katie. This is for you, dear, and for getting me to ship Fred/Kay.
( WorthyCollapse )- Title: Foolin'
- Word Count: 100
- Characters: Post-Hogwarts George, Nymphadora Tonks
- Notes: With love to
absolut_jmo and her unequalled Tonks. Long live the freakship.
( Foolin'Collapse )