Mark Twain once said, "To get the right word in the right place is a rare achievement. To condense the diffused light of a page of thought into the luminous flash of a single sentence, is worthy to rank as a prize composition just by itself... Anybody can have ideas--the difficulty is to express them without squandering a quire of paper on an idea that ought to be reduced to one glittering paragraph."
Up for a creative challenge? Tap those keys on any subject you wish in precisely 100 words. Whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, paranormal or narrative memoir, the door is open. But all who enter beware: If you go over or under by even a one-letter indefinite article, your entry will be summarily expunged. Great community if you're a writer with an obsessive editorial bent. (Spotlighted 1/11/2010)
The QUICK version: 1. 100 words. No more. No less. 2. Titles/subject lines can only be 0-3 words. 3. No RICH-TEXT FORMAT(RTF)/HTML ENTRIES. 4. Make a post; leave a comment. 5. No spamming and/or advertising. 6. Themes are not mandatory but tagging them is. 7. Get comfortable and enjoy yourselves here!
Failure to following any of these SIMPLE rules will result in the deletion of the post and possible removal from the community.
The BABYBEAVER version: 1. Please adhere to the 100 words rule. 100 words. No more. No less. Any and all subjects. All posts that aren't exactly 100 words will be removed. If it's not 100 words, it's getting deleted. No exceptions. It's meant to be challenging. If you don't want a challenge go copy an encyclopedia word for word from cover to cover starting at "A". Everyone in here expects and appreciates it when you stick the rules that makes this community what it is.
2. Titles (subject lines) can only be 0-3 words. Anything in the subject line including words between parentheses count. I've seen some ridiculously long titles. There are some who feel that it should be counted as part of the 100, but I don't as long as they are short since I only copy and paste the body of the text for word count verifications. Otherwise feel free to post without a title.
3. RICH-TEXT FORMAT(RTF)/HTML ENTRIES ARE NOT ALLOWED. I want to read what you have to say not get a team of people to help me decipher it. Everything you have to express should come out in your choice of words, not formatting. You have 100, use it wisely.
4. Many members feel it's important for members of this community to post to the community on a regular basis. We don't ask very much of you but one thing we do ask is that you participate. Everyone loves comments/constructive criticism so if a post speaks to you feel free to leave something for them.
5. If you are here for the sole purpose of pimping another community, don't do it. I didn't go to your community to pimp mine.
6. *As of March, themes were implemented. A theme is posted at the beginning of the week (usually Tuesdays) and it runs through until the next one is posted. These theme posts are not mandatory and nobody is obligated to write on them. You can write on it as many times as you want until the next theme is posted. You don't have to write on it at all. They are there to help the creative process, not hinder it.
All themes are tagged according to the subject line of that theme. Please tag themed entries for easy referencing.
Please let me know if you would like to submit a theme for the week. I'm always happy when you participate! If you email it to me and indicate that it is a theme in the subject line I will post it that week or the following week. Otherwise you can tag an entry as "theme ideas" I'll go in and use them and delete them once they have been used.
I have no qualms about removing anyone. Please play nice and have fun!
That's not much to ask, right?
Baby sister community - brevity style: 2_lines Banter of the saucy kind:everyday_convo Mod: babybeaver Any questions/comments/suggestions can be sent directly to me via email at my @livejournal account using this name.