? ?
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Tribune Entertainment
and Fireworks Productions. Set pre-series, with the premise
that Beka is expanding the salvage nature of the Eureka Maru
into 'accquiring' relics.
Rating: G
words: 673
Prompt: #94 dirty

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24 December 2013 @ 08:36 pm
Title: Famous Last Words
Fandom: Andromeda
Author: karrenia
Characters:Dylan POV
Prompt: #72 nonsense
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Fireworks Productions and Tribune Entertainment, it is not mine.

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Tittle: A Time to Kill
Fandom: Andromeda
Author: Karrenia_rune
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #06 murder
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Fireworks Productions and Tribune Entertainment. It is not mine.
References events from the 3rd Season episode the "Unconquerable Man. It could be considered more of an alternate reality-head-canon.

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24 December 2013 @ 08:10 pm
Title: A Time to Reap
Fandom: Andromeda
Author: Karrenia-rune
Rating: PG
Prompt: #74 corrupt
Alternate Reality, Beka, Harper ficlet
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Fireworks Productions and Tribune Entertainment. It is not mine.

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Title: Unravel My Latest Mistake
Fandom: Andromeda, general series
Author: karrenia
Character: Telemachus Rhade POV
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 680
Prompt# 93 crisis, table 3

Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Tribune Entertainment and Fireworks Productions. It is not mine
Set during the events of Season 4 and 5)

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Title: Cast the First Stone
Fandom: Andromeda, general series
Author: karrenia
Character: Rev Bem
Rating: Teen
Episode tag/character study
Words: 299
Prompt: #19 sinful, table 3, general series
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Tribune Entertainment, Fireworks Productions. It is not mine. Takes place shortly after the
events of the 1st season episode "The Devil take the Hindmost."

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12 March 2013 @ 10:38 am
Title: Ugly Boys
Fandom: Andromeda, general series
Author: karrenia
Characters: Brendan, Harper, pre-series
Rating: general audiences
Summary: Set pre-series, a look at the early relationship
between Seamus Harper and his cousin Brendan.
Prompt: #69 grotesque, table 3 92/100
Words: 485
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Tribune Entertainment and Fireworks Productions. It is not mine

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Title: Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World
Fandom: Andromeda, general series
Author: karrenia
Rating: general audiences
Summary: a what-if oneshot featuring the alliance between Gaheris and Telemachus Rahde.
Prompt: #98 writer's choice, table 3
Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Tribune and Fireworks Entertainment. It is not mine.

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Title: Better Angels of Our Nature
Fandom: Andromeda, general series
Characters: Dylan Hunt, Gaheris Rhade, Sara Riley, pre-series
Summary: How Dylan Hunt went about proposing to Sara, and how Gaheris is asked
to do Dylan the honor of standing up for him at the wedding as his best man.
Claim: Andromeda, general series, table 3
Notes: the snippet of the poem that Dylan quotes is by Robert Dunn
prompt #26 honor

Dislcaimer: Andromeda belongs to Fireworks Entertainment and Tribune Entertainment.
It is not mine.

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12 December 2012 @ 07:03 pm
Title: Famous Last Words
Fandom: Andromeda, general series
Author: karrenia
Character: Dylan Hunt, Tyr Anasazi
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 428
Prompt: #95 emotional
Summary: Dylan does some late night musing shortly after Tyr says his final farewells to the entire crew.

Disclaimer: Andromeda belongs to Fireworks Productions and Tribune Entertainment. It is not mine.

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Current Location: here
Current Mood: awake
Current Music: My Life-Dido