- (no subject)

0bsessions- July 10th, 2005
You folks know the drill. Only like five of my last one's were answered, so here we try again.
1. Is there no standard anymore? What it takes, who I am, where I've been. Belong.
2. Why would she put me through such torture? I would have given my life for her.
3. Bang, bang goes the broken glass, man. Kill all the fags that don't agree.
4. Livin', lovin', gettin' loose. Masturbating with a noose. Now someone's kickin' out the chair...
5. Come down, get off your fucking cross. We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr.
6. Blood is like wine. Unconcious all the time. If I had it all again, I'd change it all.
7. Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day.
8. God, you are so beautiful, 'til I looked in your eyes.
9. She left him for staring at girls and not caring when she cried 'cause she thought Bon Jovi broke up
10. We are the youth and we're knocking on death's door
11. Somethin' never comes, never leads to nothin'. Nothin' satisfies, but I'm gettin' close. Closer to the prize at the end of the rope.
12. And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our souls
13. I don't need your shit today. You're pathetic in your own way.
14. Into the flood again, same old trip it was back then. So I made a big mistake, try to see it once my way.
15. And in the morning, there is nothing left of what's inside of me.
16. And I feel so dumb that I could ever trust her while someone else fucked her then walked away.
17. I don't see, I don't hear, I don't speak, I don't feel.
18. Enemies fill up the pages, are they me? Sunday through Monday in stages,let me be.
19. You're happy you're in love, but you need someone to hate.
20. I exist through my name to self oblige. She is something in me that I despise.