? ?
(no subject)
Hey, folks. I was talking to a guy down in Pennsylvania who's looking for a certain jersey he saw. He saw a black jersey with red stitching and he's trying to track one down. Anyone seen one of these and know where to get one? It had no name/number, so it was pretty generic, allegedly.

Anyone who could help would be appreciated and I'll buy 'em a beer or two when the Memorial Day game shindig goes down.

Which reminds me. Anyone got any news on that front? I wasn't able to score any tickets, but if any out of staters are coming up, I just moved into a place in downtown Cambridge (About fifteen minutes from Fenway on the T), so I'm able to offer some couch space for anyone who's shy of money for a hotel (Or just plain cheap like me).

Yeah, Not Confirmed, But What the Hell, Why Not


Who likes the sound of that? I do.

(no subject)
0bsessions mood icon says it all, folks.

You know the drill...
1. I'm over my head, out of her head she sang.
2. No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
3. I know that things are going wrong for me, you've gotta listen to my words
4. He is the lamb, she is the slaughter. She's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her.
5. I want to give you all my nothingness. I want to cover you with this.
6. Their attitudes may taste like shit, but go real good with wine.
7. Dreams turn to nightmares, Heaven turns to Hell.
8. Super-size our tragedy.
9. Jimmy died today, he blew his brains out into the bay.
10. Distorted eyes when everything is clearly dying.
11. I'm a teen distortion, survived abortion, a rebel from the waist down.
12. The feelings I once felt are now dead and gone. I've waited here for you for so very long.
13. Do what you were told and maybe then we'll let you out.
14. All that's become must unbecome. All that's sacred, all that's true, all that's nothing lies in you.
15. How can one little street spoil so many lives?
16. I don't need your promises. Your promises and lies.
17. Little angel go away. Come again another day, the Devil has my ear today.
18. Look at the hate wer're breeding, look at the fear we're feeding, looks at the lives we're leading...
19. You're like my favorite damn disease.
20. Phony people come to pray. Look at all of them beg to stay.

(no subject)
You Are Carl

The Ultimate Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Because I've Nothing Better to Do...AGAIN!!!!
1. Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep Toxicity by System of a Down goes to Jay
2. They say when Janie was arrested, they found him underneath the train Janie's Got a Gun by Aerosmith goes to Rob
3. In sorrow, I speak your name. And my voice mirrors...mirrors my torment
4. There's no piece of ass worth a friendship Morning Spank by Custom goes to Rob
5. My friend bruised and borrowed, you thieving bastards, you have... Ticks and Leeches by Tool goes to Jay
6. I have the phobia that someone's always there
7. Emptiness is loneliness and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness and god is empty. Just like me. Zero by Smashing Pumpkins goes to Rob
8. With all those eyes on me, their hunger is insanity
9. If you can judge a wiseman by the color of his skin, then mister: you're a better man than I
10. I'm gonna work the straw, make her sweat drip out of every pour Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes goes to Rob
11. And it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way No Leaf Clover by Metallica goes to Chad
12. Your neverending spree of death and violence and hate is gonna tie your own rope
13. Drop dead! A bullet to my head! Your words are like a gun in hand Still Waiting by Sum 41 goes to Chad
14. And I want to watch you suffer and know that you made me suffer. I want to fuck up everything you've ever loved.
15. We've got each other and that's a lot for love. We'll give it a shot!
16. There are no unachievable goals. There are no unsaveable souls. No legitimate kings or queens, do you know what I mean? I Just Want You by Ozzy Osbourne goes to Chris
17. And I know someday you'll have a beautiful life. I know you'll be a star in somebody else's life, but why can't it be mine? Black by Pearl Jam goes to Rob
18. Deny you, even though your hate for me is gone
19. If I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone Save Yourself by Stabbing Westward goes to Chad
20. It's the thought of you in love with someone else, it breaks my heart to see you hangin' from your shelf Keep Fishin' by Weezer goes to Rob

(no subject)
You folks know the drill. Only like five of my last one's were answered, so here we try again.

1. Is there no standard anymore? What it takes, who I am, where I've been. Belong.
2. Why would she put me through such torture? I would have given my life for her.
3. Bang, bang goes the broken glass, man. Kill all the fags that don't agree.
4. Livin', lovin', gettin' loose. Masturbating with a noose. Now someone's kickin' out the chair...
5. Come down, get off your fucking cross. We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr.
6. Blood is like wine. Unconcious all the time. If I had it all again, I'd change it all.
7. Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day.
8. God, you are so beautiful, 'til I looked in your eyes.
9. She left him for staring at girls and not caring when she cried 'cause she thought Bon Jovi broke up
10. We are the youth and we're knocking on death's door
11. Somethin' never comes, never leads to nothin'. Nothin' satisfies, but I'm gettin' close. Closer to the prize at the end of the rope.
12. And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our souls
13. I don't need your shit today. You're pathetic in your own way.
14. Into the flood again, same old trip it was back then. So I made a big mistake, try to see it once my way.
15. And in the morning, there is nothing left of what's inside of me.
16. And I feel so dumb that I could ever trust her while someone else fucked her then walked away.
17. I don't see, I don't hear, I don't speak, I don't feel.
18. Enemies fill up the pages, are they me? Sunday through Monday in stages,let me be.
19. You're happy you're in love, but you need someone to hate.
20. I exist through my name to self oblige. She is something in me that I despise.

(no subject)
1- Put your favorite playlist on shuffle.

2- Take the first 20 songs and write one line from each.

3- People have to guess what each song is, its name and the artist.

1. Tell 'em that I can't be bought. Tell 'em that I'm not free.
2. A lot of people ask me 'am I afraid of death?' Hell yeah, I'm afraid of death.
3. Do you feel the way you hate? Do you hate the way you feel? Danielle got that it's Bush, anyone on the track?
4. My ship leaves at midnight. Can't say I'll be back too soon...they awaken far, far away
5. The lover of life's not the sinner. The ending is just the beginning.
6. Hey, where you at? On the side of the freeway in the dark. Mr. Jack by System of a Down, Jay
7. Was I even there? Did you ever really notice I never really cared?
8. Every now and then I think about you. And it makes me, it breaks me.
9. You used to be strong, but now it's 'Ooh, baby, please'
10. Don't like nothin' and I like that fine. Yeah, I hate everything and I even hate you too, so fuck you.
11. I close my eyes, and I try to remember when. These pictures in my head they're all I have left
12. Neverending maze, drift on numbered days.
13. Remember yesterday, walkin' hand in hand. Love letters in the sand...
14. 'Cause I've wasted all I know to watch you fade and slip away now from my hands.
15. I only see myself reflected in your lies. So all that I believe I am essentially are lies. Sara got Stabbing Westward, title anyone?
16. My whole world stopped spinning without you.
17. If ever words were spoken, painful and untrue. I said I loved, but I lied...
18. If you choose to pull the trigger, should your drama prove sincere: do it somewhere far away from here. The Outsider by A Perfect Circle, Jay
19. Too many weeds in the flowers. Too many pills in the pharmacies now. Too many bones in the shower. There's too much shit in the air we breath now.
20. What you see is what you get! Line and Sinker by Billy Talent, Rob

LOL american cheese
A is for age: Twenty-One
B is for booze: None
C is for career: Radio DJ hopefully
D is for dad's name: Charles
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Music, pants, a good friend
F is for favorite song at the moment: The Unforgiven by Metallica
G is for girlfriend: None
H is for hometown: Pelham, NH
I is for instruments you play: Guitar
J is for jam or jelly you like: None
K is for kids: Maybe someday
L is for living arrangements: An apartment in Nashua with three girls and a guy and a half
M is for mom's name: Patricia
N is for name of your best friend: Mike
O is for overnight hospital stays: Severe asthma attack at age three and a sleep observation when I was sixteen
P is for phobia[s]: Spiders, heights, death
Q is for quote you like: "Just so you guys know, it was Chad who said it!" ~Cesar
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Jess, off an on a totalyear and a half probably
S is for sexual position: On the bed
T is for time you wake up: Depends on when I'm working. Got up at noon today
U is for unique trait: My badass sideburns and...well, there's not much extraordinary about me...
V is for vegetable you love: Potatoes.
W is for worst habit: Being callous
X is for x-rays you've had: Two a year on my teeth at the dentist
Y is for yummy food you make: Market Basket mac and cheese
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries

*Firsts *
First job: Wal-Mart
First screen name: Doh45
First funeral: Jess's grandmother
First pet: Mandy the dog
First credit card: Circuit City Visa
First kiss: Jess Fili's cousin Erica
First enemy: Joe Pinksten
First favorite musician: Aerosmith

Last car ride: Looking for Batman comics after work last night
Last kiss: Shit, fucking March
Last movie watched: American Beauty
Last beverage drank: Sprite
Last food consumed: Chick-Fil-A sandwich
Last phone call: Cooter
Last time showered: A couple minutes ago
Last CD played: Ra - Duality
Last website visited: LJ

Now Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Dudz0rz
Birthday: March 24
Siblings: Two, younger brother, older sister
Hair color: Very dark brown
Eye color: They change colors, usually hazel
Shoe size: Ten and a half
Height: Five foot ten

Right now what are you...
Wearing: A towel. I'm wearing jeans and an ATHF shirt to work
Drinking: Nada
Thinking about: Mistakes I've made of late
How do you...
Wear your hair: Gel and spiked backwards or just under a hat
Drive: Standard
Kiss: Infrequently
Make money: Digital Outfitters

Packed N' Ready
I'm all packed for the Cape, just need to load my bag in to the car and wait for work to end tomorrow. Getting up at 4:30ish, though, so tomorrow's gonna be a loooooong day. See everyone when I get back (Well, short of Walker, Cesar, Chad, Adam, Dave and Mike, they'll be there too).