[24 Jan 2005|03:14pm] |
edit:4/25/2005 ATTENTION: IF YOU WANT TO BE A MEMBER of this Ashlee Simpson community, then you have to JOIN. Otherwise, I will **NOT** add anyone to this community, SO DON'T ASK!!!! Below are directions on how to join.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DO NOT ASK FOR ME TO ADD YOU, BECAUSE I WON'T!! YOU MUST *****JOIN***** TO BE ADDED!! IF YOU CAN'T FOLLOW THIS RULE THEN I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOU AS A MEMBER!!!
1. Make sure that you are logged in, 2. Then click this link, 3. Then click on the JOIN THIS COMMUNITY link, 4. Then click add, AND ONCE I ACCEPT YOU, THEN YOU SHOULD BE A MEMBER...
If you join & don't see any post then you accidentially clicked WATCH(+) instead of JOIN.. YOU HAVE to JOIN, to see post, watching doesn't count as joining!!!!
Since ANTI ASHLEE people have been posting in here, I have decided to make this community FRIENDS ONLY again. So from now on, none of the post in this community will be public.
To see the post in this community you have to join. If you are a member you MUST be logged in to see the entries. I am sorry to do this, but it seems to be for the best, and most of the members wanted this to happen anyways.
SO all ASHLEE HATERS, you are not welcome and you will not be a member again. If you are I will simply ban you.
Everyone else is very much welcome to join!
 thanks undiscovered27 for making the banner!!
[23 Jan 2005|01:00pm] |
Do any of you listen to Kiss 108? (Boston, MA)
There is a chance on the million dollar match game to meet Ashlee Simpson backstage, too bad they will be doing it while I'm at school. Just thought I'd let you guys have a chance :)
[22 Jan 2005|05:37pm] |
for everyone who lives in Europe, next weekend will be a 'Simpson weekend' on MTV which means newlyweds AND Ashlee Simpson show. weheey :D
tattoo |
[21 Jan 2005|09:21pm] |
Hey, does anybody have a pic of ash's tattoo, can u post it as a comment?!, i wanna get the same one... i need a pic. ThaNx.
Hey |
[21 Jan 2005|07:15pm] |
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I'm Ally and I'm new here. I am such a fan of Ashlee! I have her CD and listen to it almost every day. lol. I just wanted to say hi. I will attempt to make icons but I do need some help. I just got PhotoShop 5.0. Could someone help me on how to make icons in it? Thanks so much!
[22 Jan 2005|08:41am] |
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Hey everyone *waves*,
I have just figured out how to do nicer looking icons, like the ones i have in my user pictures ( icons). I can take requests if you have any ashlee icons you want made. I specifiy in text icons, * see my icon* I can write just about anything as long as it isnt too long. So if you want any icons made please comment with a picture and text you want. Here are same examples of icons i can make:
( icons and taking requestsCollapse )
[21 Jan 2005|05:07pm] |
icons |
[21 Jan 2005|04:05pm] |
can anyone make me a animated icon? i would love you forever. i have no idea how to make them.
You make me wanna La La |
[21 Jan 2005|01:34pm] |
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Hi! Just to let everyone know...there is going to be an Ashlee marathon on MTV tonight!!!!!! I can't wait!!!
[21 Jan 2005|02:56pm] |
hey I am new on here. I posted this in ashlee_fashion first but they said it wasn't really fashion related and that is what they're trying to do now and I was suggested to post here. I found this community and it just made me laugh they're dissing Ashlee (and Hilary Duff and Avril) calling her a poser. I mean I just couldn't care less what these people think, it just makes me laugh that people actually bother caring that much, I mean if you don't like this and that artist then don't listen to them just ignore them, isn't that obvious? or are their lifes that boring? (meh I was like that too when i was around the age that most of the members are haha) I am not promoting this community I just thought it gives you a good laugh :D
Friends Only banner |
[20 Jan 2005|05:26pm] |
Hey! I made an Ash FO banner and some others. If you like what you, then just tell me what 'friends you want' or a pic of you
and ur friends, and i will make u one.
( FO BannersCollapse )
[19 Jan 2005|08:09pm] |
hey does anyone have any clear pics of ashlees hair style so i can take it 2 my hair dresses coz its awesome ...