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We will rate your fucking face off!

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. [02 Feb 2007|04:09pm]

is this group still alive?
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new: hot application.... [17 Apr 2006|12:27pm]

"General" Questions:

1. Name:D(arrah)(ora)
2. Alias:wtf?
3. Gender:female
4. Sex:oh, yes please, moan
5. Location:my room
6. Date of Employment:6-64-27
7. Date of Birth:6-11-91
8. Social Security Number:wtf?
9. What you are having rated (list all):my sppearance, my coolness factor, personality, eyes, likelyhood of getting into heaven
10. How did you find us?:on the intrest search
11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?:fuuuuuuuuck no
12. hippie or fascist?:sex
13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? if so, which?:not yet
b)Immediately resign from all other communities. This is a full-time deal.not unless you accept me...

Answer one or more (or less) of the following questions:(do not paste the questions you are not answering or 15 points will be deducted from your quarterly evaluation)

"shallow" questions section(Hawtneszs! R U teh sex??):

1. how tall are you?:5'4"
2. how anorexic are you?:90lbs. anorexic since age 8
3. don't you think you could lose a few?:yes
4. are you on your period?:(girls only[guys answering to be cute will be banned from 5. annual sack race])no, i never got my period because of my anorexia.
5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked?just about 19
6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked? Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity:none
7. why do ugly people suck so much?because they could look better if they tried
8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?:just by looking at them, they get the picture ;)
9. why do nerds suck so much? because they have no lives
10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?:
11. top 3 turn ons(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points): abs, eyes, and you
12. top 4 turn offs:fattness, ugliness, smelliness, nediness
13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?:yes i buy thongs, and i wear them, i am wearing one right now. It is white with blue polkadots and it has lace around the top. It is see through.
14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?:i dont unless i am trying to seduce someone. Then I point it down so the can only see my lips.
b)How far pointed up?see above
c)Have you scraped the bill so it has frilly things and looks worn and weathered?
15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance: 7
16. Post a photo(of yourself): (note: blurred photos or ones that depict you looking down and away from the camera will automatically get 2 points deducted from the rating you gave yourself)

17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of:
a) fear
b) envy
c) Che Guevara
d) polio
e) neo-fascism
f) sexy
g) Cross Country for life!!

"deep" questions section
(prove your character through the media you read/watch/listen to):

1. What religion do you belong to(note: atheism is not a religion)(: christian
2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else:
3. What is the first word you said this morning: thong
4. What are your favourite books:harry potters
5. What percentage of them have movies made after them:yes, duh ((hint: it's probably most of them you sheep[debating that you have read them before the movie was made will disqualify your from the weekly raffle])(
6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? is it because you hate poor people?:no, i guess its because i wanted some shoes
8. what is your philosophy on life?:to have sex
9. List the music you listen to((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(:
jimi hendrix,
led zeppelin,
the eagles,
the doors,
the who,
beach boys,
buffalo springfiled,
rolling stones,
jefferson airplane,
janis joplin,
johnny cash,
ray charles,
bob marley,
bob dylan,
red hot chilli peppers,
john mayer,
ashlee simpson,
jack johnson,
kt tunstall,
hot hot heat,
modest mouse,
the postal service,
death cab for cutie,
fall out boy,
the dandy warhols,
maroon 5,
the strokes,
the shins,
the pixies,
the sticks,
sheryl crow,
green day,
all american rejects,
yeah yeah yeahs,
aretha franklin,
the killers,
josh stone,
no doubt,
kelly clarkson,
Motion city soundtrack,
John legend,
franz ferdinand,
the ramones,
plain white t's,
the smiths,
frou frou,
earth wind and fire,
norah jones,
the matches,
the offspring,
my chemeical romance,
fiona apple,
the smashing pumpkins,
blink 182,
the cars,
the cranberiies,
the cure,
cyndi lauper,
david bowie,
foo fighters,
jason mraz,
phantom planet,
the police,
simon and garfunkle,
taking back sunday,
tegan and sara, the vines
...and of course... bay area music... go dumb music.

10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't): girl, interrupted
10 1/2. Do it again, but be less Kafka-esque about it. Girl, Interrupted
11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less: HAHAHAHA LOOK AT THAT FAT BLACK GUY
12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning":
saddness is cool
deppression is a fool
death sucks
13. what's up with homosexuals?: I DONT KNOW but lesbians are sure missin out on penis sex
14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? explain:excellent, because i rock
15. list a word you are proud that you know: cum
16. suicide or murder?: death sucks
17. hot or cold?((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(: HOT
18. right or left brain?:idk left

19. post a photograph of yourself in your most intellectually stimulating, possibly nude, pose:
this is all I have at the mo

"Questions" no one really cares about:

1. List your hobbies: do i have to: cheerleading and sex
2. Favourite Colour: sex
3. Favourite Animal((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(: sex ontop of unicorns
4. pet peeves: no sex
5. what is your stance on abortion?: idont care
6. do you remember ((insert random object from your childhood that you think makes you cooler for remembering it)( weren't those awesome?!:blue icecream truck
7. favourite number: auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps: 7

Talent Show!!:

Post a photograph of yourself doing the splits. whoever does the splits fastest wins!

Now advertise for this community. A lot. Just short of "Spam".
(insert community advertising photo here)
7 comments|post comment

[17 Mar 2006|09:41am]


Join: chapstickkkk, a rating community
17 comments|post comment

[20 Nov 2005|08:19pm]

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[06 Oct 2005|08:22pm]

I am teh sexCollapse )
9 comments|post comment

[19 Jul 2005|08:23pm]

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[09 Jun 2005|01:40pm]

I need to know a word that sounds similar to the phrase "fuck i'm frustrated". Mostly I need to find a word similar to the phrase "Fuck Yeah!" Do it.
8 comments|post comment

[13 May 2005|12:13pm]

[ mood | mankind's search for God ]

i lost myself on a cool damp night. i gave myself in that misty light. was hypnotized by a strange delight under a lilac tree.

2 comments|post comment

[13 Apr 2005|01:29am]

"General" Questions:

1. Name: Amelia Dwainwright
2. Alias: Timshel, "TImmy," and other secret identities you are not allowed to know
3. Gender: female
4. Sex: 19
5. Location: Here and there
6. Date of Employment: 2002
7. Date of Birth: November 1985
8. Social Security Number: It's the same as Disreprivalize's
9. What you are having rated (list all): Nothing I am already hot I just want to do the potato sack race without having to cut holes in my bag.
10. How did you find us?: Roger Lodge promoted you on Blind Date
11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?: No.
12. hippie or fascist?: Labels aren't my bag, man
13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? "Are you teh sex?," and "You are so hott" and "I am elite and so very posh" at
b)Immediately resign from all other communities. This is a full-time deal. Ok.

Answer one or more (or less) of the following questions:(do not paste the questions you are not answering or 15 points will be deducted from your quarterly evaluation)

"shallow" questions section(Hawtneszs! R U teh sex??):

1. how tall are you?: 5'7"
2. how anorexic are you?: I am so anorexic I help the other anorexics at my table by eating their food and therefore helping them be anorexic.
3. don't you think you could lose a few?: Lose a few what? Get outta town.
4. are you on your period?:(girls only[guys answering to be cute will be banned from 5. annual sack race]) No
5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked? Two
6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked? Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity: One. Shut up.
7. why do ugly people suck so much? They don't. They are sort of really awesome because they make me look much better
8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?: I was their leader I think
9. why do nerds suck so much? Somebody once told me that girls who suck rule. But I think they were probably perverted or something
10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?: Uh huh
11. top 3 turn ons(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points): Guys who are hot, Guys who are hot and easy, Guys who are hot and not easy but cannot resist my hotness
12. top 4 turn offs: Guys who are not hot, Guys who are not hot and want easy girls, Fish, Guys who are not hot and cannot resist my hotness
13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?: How intrusive
14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?: I do not wear baseball caps. In the event that I find one on my head, it is low over my eyes so as to hide my hotness so guys who are not hot may be able to resist me
b)How far pointed up? My dog snores
c)Have you scraped the bill so it has frilly things and looks worn and weathered? Yeah when I've gotten bored and to piss off the bitter lady at the library
15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance: I don't do numbers
16. Post a photo(of yourself): (note: blurred photos or ones that depict you looking down and away from the camera will automatically get 2 points deducted from the rating you gave yourself)

17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of:
a) fear
b) envy
c) Che Guevara
d) polio
e) neo-fascism
f) sexy
g) Cross Country for life!!

a,b,c,f and possibly g if I am jogging across the usa like I did last year in order to raise money for myself.

"deep" questions section
(prove your character through the media you read/watch/listen to):

1. What religion do you belong to(note: atheism is not a religion)(: Christianity
2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else: Yeah
3. What is the first word you said this morning: I grunted
4. What are your favourite books: I don't feel like listing them right now
5. What percentage of them have movies made after them: ((hint: it's probably most of them you sheep[debating that you have read them before the movie was made will disqualify your from the weekly raffle])( Not so many of them have movies made after them. Although Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy is coming out soon
6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? is it because you hate poor people?: No it is because I donated my old ones to some hungry kids
8. what is your philosophy on life?: I'm not sure, but I think the Brawny man is sort of an amazing guy
9. List the music you listen to((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(: I would list it, but even if I did disreprivalize still wouldn't burn me a personalized cd
10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't): Do I have to
10 1/2. Do it again, but be less Kafka-esque about it. I'm not so crazy about movies
11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less: People laugh when I'm not being funny
12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning":
If there is any death depression or desire
The root of it would all be fire

I just made that up off the top of my head. Can I get extra points for rhyming?
13. what's up with homosexuals?: I don't know
14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? explain: I would have to look the word up before answering this question. Does it have something to do with dead people?
15. list a word you are proud that you know: Garrulous. I googled that to make sure I spelled it right and I did
16. suicide or murder?: This question is not right
17. hot or cold?((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(: Recently I heard the pickup line "you're hot and I'm cold; let's make warm" But it wasn't directed at me because the guy was probably gay I think
18. right or left brain?: cerebellum

19. post a photograph of yourself in your most intellectually stimulating, possibly nude, pose:

"Questions" no one really cares about:

1. List your hobbies: being hot
2. Favourite Colour: red hot
3. Favourite Animal((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(: dolphins
4. pet peeves: people who think I should do homework just to pass the class
5. what is your stance on abortion?: against it
6. do you remember ((insert random object from your childhood that you think makes you cooler for remembering it)( weren't those awesome?!: I slammed my finger in the car door on the day the book fair was happening in second grade and I cried not only because it hurt but also because I was missing the book fair. I liked ring pops a lot more as a child.
7. favourite number: auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps: 2

Talent Show!!:

Post a photograph of yourself doing the splits. whoever does the splits fastest wins!

25 comments|post comment

[11 Apr 2005|11:05pm]

Do I really have to fill out that whole survey to be accepted? I don't think I should have to, because I am pretty hot.
6 comments|post comment

isn't it great? [28 Feb 2005|12:36pm]

[ mood | phlegm ]


isn't it great how the academy went back and re-reviewed BAPS and gave halle berry an award for best actress?!Collapse )

4 comments|post comment

Here ya go. [27 Feb 2005|08:02pm]

"General" Questions:

1. Name:
2. Alias:
3. Gender:
4. Sex:
5. Location:
6. Date of Employment:
7. Date of Birth:
8. Social Security Number:
9. What you are having rated (list all):
10. How did you find us?:
11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?:
12. hippie or fascist?:
13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? if so, which?:
b)Immediately resign from all other communities. This is a full-time deal.

Answer one or more (or less) of the following questions:(do not paste the questions you are not answering or 15 points will be deducted from your quarterly evaluation)

"shallow" questions section(Hawtneszs! R U teh sex??):

1. how tall are you?:vertically challenged
2. how anorexic are you?:Horizontally gifted
3. don't you think you could lose a few?:Yep...workin' on it
4. are you on your period?:(girls only[guys answering to be cute will be banned from 5. annual sack race])Yep
5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked?15
6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked? Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity:1
7. why do ugly people suck so much?Because that's their way of getting attention from us sexy's
8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?:4
9. why do nerds suck so much?Again, with the attention
10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?:Nope, not at all
11. top 3 turn ons(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points):My boyfriend, my boyfriend's penis, apples
12. top 4 turn offs:Ugly people, nerds, really obese people
13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?:Thongs, once in a while, bare
14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?:maybe...slightly?
b)How far pointed up?not too far
c)Have you scaraped the bill so it has frilly things and looks worn and weathered?not unnaturally
15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance:11.5
16. Post a photo(of yourself): (note: blurred photos or ones that depict you looking down and away from the camera will automatically get 2 points deducted from the rating you gave yourself)will in a min

17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of:
a) fear
c) Che Guevara
d) polio
e) neo-fascism
f) sexy
g) Cross Country for life!!

"deep" questions section
(prove your character through the media you read/watch/listen to):

1. What religion do you belong to(note: atheism is not a religion)(, you've never heard of it.
2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else:Still...Romany
3. What is the first word you said this morning:Fuck...
4. What are your favourite books:Ender series, Anything by stephen king, except the mushy Hearts in Atlantis
5. What percentage of them have movies made after them: ((hint: it's probably most of them you sheep[debating that you have read them before the movie was made will disqualify your from the weekly raffle])(Outta S.K., prolly just about all of them.
6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? is it because you hate poor people?:Because they were some sexy slippers
8. what is your philosophy on life?:Live fast, die young, get drunk along the way.
9. List the music you listen to((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(:SOAD, NOFX, Green Day
10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't):Nightmare Before Christmas, the older Jim Carrey flix, older Adam Sandler, The virgin Suicides...
10 1/2. Do it again, but be less Kafka-esque about it.
11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less:So, two muffins were sitting in the oven...One turns to the other and says, "Man, it's hot in here." The other turns and says, "AAAH! A talking muffin!"
12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning": Hey! Look! She died, we'll miss her dearly.
Why did she have to die so early?
Guess we'll never really know..
Let's go raid her silver drawer!

13. what's up with homosexuals?:We are just gay, is all
14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? explain:have no idea...
15. list a word you are proud that you know:Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicolvolcanoconiosis
16. suicide or murder?:suicide
17. hot or cold?((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(:hot
18. right or left brain?:left

19. post a photograph of yourself in your most intellectually stimulating, possibly nude, pose:working on it

"Questions" no one really cares about:

1. List your hobbies: singing, blahblahblah
2. Favourite Colour:black/hot pink
3. Favourite Animal((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(:Girraffes
4. pet peeves:people who type something, realize a mistake way back at the beginning of the sentence, and erase the WHOLE THING instead of going back..(coughcough...Sean...)
5. what is your stance on abortion?:Proi choice
6. do you remember ((insert random object from your childhood that you think makes you cooler for remembering it)( weren't those awesome?!:um....Doodle Bears?
7. favourite number: auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps: 17, 13, or 42
8. retro shoes and tight tight jeans. a must for expressing your burning emotion? Not at all
8 comments|post comment

[07 Feb 2005|10:23pm]


1. Name:  Ricky S. Pendell
2. Alias: Ricky
3. Gender: Male
4. Sex: female
5. Location: Blakes house
6. Date of Employment: umm last time
7. Date of Birth: June 19, 1983
8. Social Security Number:  (915)852-2089
9. What you are having rated (list all): thats carlos's phone number.
10. How did you find us?:  do it
11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?:  i have so i guess i cant answer this question
12. hippie or fascist?:conformist
13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? if so, which?:blake is GAY
b)Immediately resign from all other communities. This is a full-time deal.
this is my community so should i quit now?  ha teh foolz
1. how tall are you?: 100
2. how anorexic are you?: i am teh sex
3. don't you think you could lose a few?: sure
4. are you on your period?:.  ha i put that period there

5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked?i have only scammed
6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked? Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity:  i scammed with two fat chicks once...and they were all trying to eat my shit from my shit.
7. why do ugly people suck so much?  because they have big mouths?
8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?: well just say i have a bunch of broken glasses from the nerds i have punched in the glasses.
9. why do nerds suck so much?  if they didnt have those god damned glasses i would still punch them hard to the face.
10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?: duh!.
11. top 3 turn ons
(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points):teh sex, teh coolz,lolz
12. top 4 turn offs: nerds and yeah...just nerds...and sexyponies that like to lick you in the shower.
13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?: i wear a thong on the front but the back has alot of fabric to cover me in the ass
14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?:all the way
b)How far pointed up? halfway
15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance: fucking i am teh coolz even!  not you are even teh coolz!   shit

17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of:
a) fear
b) envy
c) Che Guevara
d) polio
e) neo-fascism
f) sexy
g) Cross Country for life!!

1. What religion do you belong to(note: atheism is not a religion)(:christianity
2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else: agnostic is teh gay
3. What is the first word you said this morning: stulenditrilipous!
4. What are your favourite books:  the one with monkey that went over there to the thing...uhh...uyh...yeah...and then the baby was running from those guys and the lighter burned the guys nutz and then ...uh....fernie lieks star trek...what a gay.
5. What percentage of them have movies made after them:
((hint: it's probably most of them you sheep[debating that you have read them before the movie was made will disqualify your from the weekly raffle])(that one was made in the 30's
6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? is it because you hate poor people?:  they made fun of my shoes once because i was going to play basketball in football shoes or something...i thought shoes were shoes but FUCK THEM!!!! they were FUCKING NERDS!!!
8. what is your philosophy on life?: to be pleased with it
9. List the music you listen to
((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(:no
10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't):no
11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less: ha!
12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning": london bridges brought me down but ring around the merry go round....i shiny nickel i have found...ill go on the merry go on and buy a sound.
13. what's up with homosexuals?:bad aim?  i dont know...they are teh gayz.
14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? explain: which one is that,,,the babies or the dead trees or something?  whatever it is may not be a good idea.
15. list a word you are proud that you know:disreprivalize
16. suicide or murder?: its impossible anyways...we already know your not going to kill yourself.
17. hot or cold?
((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(:hot  
18. right or left brain?: both

1. List your hobbies:skiing...trail walking...uh  back porch barbeque eatin...pooping on fernies bed....aiming poo from my asshole on fernie to hit him in the face.
2. Favourite Colour: pink i guess
3. Favourite Animal
((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(: Carlos Diaz
4. pet peeves: poop that is too dried to come out of the oven
5. what is your stance on abortion?: they are wasting a cake that was knowingly put into an oven
6. do you remember
((( when raffa fell? 
7. favourite number:
auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps
 i dont really have one

6 comments|post comment

i got bored so there it is, all of it, so fuck off [04 Feb 2005|04:09pm]

1. Name:  Blake M. Heath  
2. Alias: B-Money
3. Gender: Male
4. Sex: male
5. Location: Lubbock TX
6. Date of Employment: October 21, 1856
7. Date of Birth: June 19, 1983
8. Social Security Number:  448-68-7983
9. What you are having rated (list all): everything
10. How did you find us?:  some jerks named ricky and carlos
11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?:  Would I!
12. hippie or fascist?:more hippie i guess
13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? if so, which?:nah they are for gays
b)Immediately resign from all other communities. This is a full-time deal.

1. how tall are you?: Six foot Four inches
2. how anorexic are you?: not at all
3. don't you think you could lose a few?: sure
4. are you on your period?:

5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked?Millions
6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked? Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity:  I LOVE FATTIES
7. why do ugly people suck so much?  Cuz they fucking disgust me
8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?: at least 1
9. why do nerds suck so much?  the fucking brains man they use it a lot
10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?: not too much
11. top 3 turn ons
(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points):myself, scalding hot water, sexy candles
12. top 4 turn offs: the ugos, hair, bad breath, dudes
13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?: comando
14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?:i used to have it a little..but now i just wear it like you should
b)How far pointed up? 26 degrees
15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance: fucking 10

17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of:
a) fear
b) envy
c) Che Guevara
d) polio
e) neo-fascism
f) sexy
g) Cross Country for life!!

1. What religion do you belong to(note: atheism is not a religion)(: christian is what they call it
2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else:  michael jordan
3. What is the first word you said this morning: fuck
4. What are your favourite books:   all time is Death in the Afternoon......current is The mark somebody
5. What percentage of them have movies made after them:
((hint: it's probably most of them you sheep[debating that you have read them before the movie was made will disqualify your from the weekly raffle])(i dont think death in the afternoon has a movie but it could
6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? is it because you hate poor people?:  nah because they made the shoes i want them to know i appreciate thier effort
8. what is your philosophy on life?: live it, cuz if you dont you die
9. List the music you listen to
((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(:umm like bands or music...cuz i like a lot of shit...mostly the heavy stuff i guess
10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't):tremors
11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less:why did the baby cross the road?............becuase it was hauling ass on a fucking motorcycle thats why.
12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning":death is great
depression is so cool....sadness makes me go stroke one off........there is that a poem
13. what's up with homosexuals?:they do it all wrong
14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? explain: misundertsood, because they just dont get it
15. list a word you are proud that you know:Purt
16. suicide or murder?:MURDER
17. hot or cold?
((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(:hot  
18. right or left brain?: left for life

1. List your hobbies:
2. Favourite Colour:you spelled color wrong
3. Favourite Animal
((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(: the Ultracorn
4. pet peeves: guys named Buster
5. what is your stance on abortion?: quitters all quitters
6. do you remember
((those badass remote control cars you would see on tv doing badass jumps....and then when you got it and did the jumps it would break and the batteries would die)( weren't those awesome?!:
7. favourite number:
auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps
 i like 47
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[03 Feb 2005|08:48pm]


First Name: Ricky

Middle name: Samuel
Were you named after anyone? Yes

"Do you wish on stars? No 
When did you last cry? A couple of days ago.
Do you like your handwriting?  Yes.

What is your favorite lunchmeat? Turkey
What is your birth date? August 27 1984
What is your most embarrassing CD? My own.
If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?  No.

Are you a daredevil? .No
Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Do looks matter? Yes 

How do you release anger?  Very Carefully

Where is your second home? Lubbock 

Do you trust others easily?  Yes
What was your favorite toy as a child?  The Little Plastic Soldiers with the skateboards on the bottom.

What class in high school do you think was totally useless?   Advisory.
Do you have a journal? Duh.
Do you use sarcasm? Duh.

What are your nicknames? None 
Would you bungee jump? Yes

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Sometimes 

Do you think that you are strong? No

Favorite Ice cream flavor? Im not sure.

Shoe Size?  12

Red/Pink?  Yes.

What is your least favorite thing about yourself?  My discipline.

What are you listening to right now?  Styrofoam Boots

Last thing you ate?  Pesco

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? The same color as you. 
What is the weather like right now?  Still.

Last person you talked to on the phone?  Blake

The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?  Voice

Favourite Drink? Coffee
Favourite Sport? Basketball

Hair Colour? Blond

Eye Colour? Blue

Do you wear contacts? Yes


Favourite Food? None

Last Movie You Watched? Full metal Jacket
Summer or Winter?  Summer

What Is Your Favourite Dessert? Coffee 

Living Arrangements?  Bed,Lamp,Computer

What Books Are You Reading?  House of Leaves

What Did You Watch Last night on TV?  Basketball

What's the furthest you've been from home? Wyoming

Any Tattoos?  No

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the other day [27 Jan 2005|12:13pm]

the other day i walked into a store and ran into some guy and then i told him "watch where you're going, man" and he said "speak for yourself" and i got really angry and said "you wanna start something?" and he said "nah fool" and i said "fuck you man fuck you!" and he got really angry and said "no man fuck you!!!" and he was really big and he could probably kick my ass so i said "i'm just kidding man, smile you're on lente loco" and pointed to some van, then he started laughing and said "oh man you got me man you got me" then i punched him in the face and took off running really fast.
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STOP HER!!!!!!!! [26 Jan 2005|01:00pm]

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[25 Jan 2005|05:01pm]

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[25 Jan 2005|05:37pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

the advantages seem overwhelming!I'm in.

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[23 Jan 2005|02:21pm]

"General" Questions:

1. Name:David & Diana
2. Alias:vayasealapinka & chingalabanga
3. Gender:male
4. Sex:female
5. Location:brs
6. Date of Employment:06/21/02
7. Date of Birth:02/29/2004
8. Social Security Number:636-548-8212
9. What you are having rated (list all):yes
10. How did you find us?:reveived ad by mail
11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?:i can
12. hippie or fascist?:fascist hippie
13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? yes if so, which?: wax

Answer one or more (or less) of the following questions:(do not paste the questions you are not answering or 15 points will be deducted from your quarterly evaluation)

"shallow" questions section(Hawtneszs! R U teh sex??):

1. how tall are you?:5ft10inch
2. how anorexic are you?:145lbs
3. don't you think you could lose a few?:yes
4. are you on your period?:(girls only[guys answering to be cute will be banned from 5. annual sack race])
5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked?8
6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked?8 Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity: pity
7. why do ugly people suck so much?they are not exciting to look at
8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?:8
9. why do nerds suck so much?because they too deserve a reputation
10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? no If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?:
11. top 3 turn ons(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points):my torso,vaginas,midgets
12. top 4 turn offs:nerd midgets,ugly,fat
13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?:none
14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?:12 degrees to the left
b)How far pointed up?very far
15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance:8
16. Post a photo(of yourself): (note: blurred photos or ones that depict you looking down and away from the camera will automatically get 2 points deducted from the rating you gave yourself)
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**** ** *****
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17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of:
a) fear
b) envy
c) ***Che Guevara***
d) polio
e) neo-fascism
f) sexy
g) Cross Country for life!!

"deep" questions section
(prove your character through the media you read/watch/listen to):

1. What religion do you belong to?agnostic
2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else:ok rastafarian
3. What is the first word you said this morning:ahhh
4. What are your favourite books:Webster's dictionary,The Bible,Babysitter's Club volumes 1-8 and 56-122, Getting Even With Dad
5. What percentage of them have movies made after them:100%
6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? new shoes benfit me, ending world hunger won't.
is it because you hate poor people?:no i just dislike them
8. what is your philosophy on life?:viva bush!
9. List the music you listen to((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(: enrique iglesias,la gasolina,kumbia kings,banda machos,tiki tiki,taka taka,tuki tuki,sasha,death cab for cutie,the wiggles,garth brooks,the postal service,UPS, Federal Express,DHL,Deiwitt
10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't):Getting Even With Dad
11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less:How do you milk a cow? Like this. jajaja.
12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning":
"If I had one single wish,I'd go back to the moment I kissed
You goodbye,No matter how hard I try
I can't live,Without you in my life
Maybe you'll say you still want me
Maybe you'll say that you don't
Maybe we said it was over
But Baby I can't let you go
Nothing left to lose
After losing you
There's nothing I can't take
When I run to you
When I come for you
Don't tell me I'm too late
oh yeah oh yeah its burning its burning!

13. what's up with homosexuals?:they think they're better than all of us.
14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? excellent explain:no
15. list a word you are proud that you know:necrophagy
16. suicide or murder?:murder please
17. hot or cold? cold((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(: o shit! i meant hot.
18. right or left brain?:top right

19. post a photograph of yourself in your most intellectually stimulating, possibly nude, pose:

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"Questions" no one really cares about:

1. List your hobbies: Tap dancing, watching the greatest movie EVER! (Getting even with Dad) YEAH SHORTY!!
2. Favourite Colour: chicken
3. Favourite Animal((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(: Liger
4. pet peeves: when people breathe! dont you hate that!?
5. what is your stance on abortion?: what does stance mean?
6. do you remember GO GO GADGET! ((insert random object from your childhood that you think makes you cooler for remembering it)( weren't those awesome?!:
7. favourite number: 8 auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps

Talent Show!!:

Post a photograph of yourself doing the splits. whoever does the splits fastest wins!

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