"General" Questions:
1. Name:D(arrah)(ora) 2. Alias:wtf? 3. Gender:female 4. Sex:oh, yes please, moan 5. Location:my room 6. Date of Employment:6-64-27 7. Date of Birth:6-11-91 8. Social Security Number:wtf? 9. What you are having rated (list all):my sppearance, my coolness factor, personality, eyes, likelyhood of getting into heaven 10. How did you find us?:on the intrest search 11. If you could, would you eat your own excrement?:fuuuuuuuuck no 12. hippie or fascist?:sex 13. a)Are you in any other rating communities? if so, which?:not yet b)Immediately resign from all other communities. This is a full-time deal.not unless you accept me...
Answer one or more (or less) of the following questions:(do not paste the questions you are not answering or 15 points will be deducted from your quarterly evaluation)
"shallow" questions section(Hawtneszs! R U teh sex??):
1. how tall are you?:5'4" 2. how anorexic are you?:90lbs. anorexic since age 8 3. don't you think you could lose a few?:yes 4. are you on your period?:(girls only[guys answering to be cute will be banned from 5. annual sack race])no, i never got my period because of my anorexia. 5. How many hawt girlz/hawt guyz have you macked?just about 19 6. How many fatties or Ugos have you macked? Denote if the reason was inebriation or pity:none 7. why do ugly people suck so much?because they could look better if they tried 8. how many nerds have you taught through violence that they should not talk to the cools?:just by looking at them, they get the picture ;) 9. why do nerds suck so much? because they have no lives 10. does inter"cli"q"ue" dating disgust you? If so, how much does it disgust you exactly?Yeah, huh?: 11. top 3 turn ons(answer of 'myself' gets you extra vanity points): abs, eyes, and you 12. top 4 turn offs:fattness, ugliness, smelliness, nediness 13. do you wear thongs or no underpants at all?:yes i buy thongs, and i wear them, i am wearing one right now. It is white with blue polkadots and it has lace around the top. It is see through. 14. a)How far off centre do you wear your baseball cap?:i dont unless i am trying to seduce someone. Then I point it down so the can only see my lips. b)How far pointed up?see above c)Have you scraped the bill so it has frilly things and looks worn and weathered? 15. on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest number but not neccesarily the highest rating, rate your appearance: 7 16. Post a photo(of yourself): (note: blurred photos or ones that depict you looking down and away from the camera will automatically get 2 points deducted from the rating you gave yourself)

 17. When geeks, spazmos, nerds, dorks, dweebs, dorkfaces, pointdexters, dweebfaces, and non-sexyz look at you, do their eyes convey a feeling of: a) fear b) envy c) Che Guevara d) polio e) neo-fascism f) sexy g) Cross Country for life!! h)GET OUT OF MY WAY
"deep" questions section (prove your character through the media you read/watch/listen to):
1. What religion do you belong to(note: atheism is not a religion)(: christian 2. Everyone is agnostic now. pick something else: 3. What is the first word you said this morning: thong 4. What are your favourite books:harry potters 5. What percentage of them have movies made after them:yes, duh ((hint: it's probably most of them you sheep[debating that you have read them before the movie was made will disqualify your from the weekly raffle])( 6. If you had the ability to end world hunger or get some awesome new shoes and you chose to 7. get the new shoes, why did you make that decision? is it because you hate poor people?:no, i guess its because i wanted some shoes 8. what is your philosophy on life?:to have sex 9. List the music you listen to((defending anything will get you lashed until you drop)(: jimi hendrix, led zeppelin, the eagles, cream, bread, the doors, the who, u2, sublime, queen, beatles, beach boys, buffalo springfiled, rolling stones, jefferson airplane, janis joplin, johnny cash, ray charles, bob marley, bob dylan, red hot chilli peppers, john mayer, ashlee simpson, cake, jack johnson, coldplay, kt tunstall, hot hot heat, modest mouse, the postal service, death cab for cutie, fall out boy, the dandy warhols, radiohead, maroon 5, the strokes, the shins, the pixies, the sticks, sheryl crow, green day, all american rejects, yeah yeah yeahs, aretha franklin, incubus, REM, Weezer, Oasis, the killers, jet, journey, beck, josh stone, no doubt, kelly clarkson, Motion city soundtrack, John legend, interpol, franz ferdinand, the ramones, plain white t's, the smiths, nirvana, spoon, frou frou, earth wind and fire, norah jones, the matches, staind, AC/DC, chevelle, the offspring, my chemeical romance, crossfade, fiona apple, the smashing pumpkins, nikelback, blink 182, atmosphere, aerosmith, blondie, boston, the cars, the cranberiies, the cure, cyndi lauper, david bowie, foo fighters, gorillaz, jason mraz, phantom planet, the police, semisonce, simon and garfunkle, taking back sunday, tegan and sara, the vines ...and of course... bay area music... go dumb music.
10. List your favourite movies in reverse alphabetical order until you get to 'M'. then use chronological order(or don't): girl, interrupted 10 1/2. Do it again, but be less Kafka-esque about it. Girl, Interrupted 11. sum up your sense of humor in 1 joke or less: HAHAHAHA LOOK AT THAT FAT BLACK GUY 12. write a poem about death, depression, sadness, etc. without use of the word "burning": saddness is cool deppression is a fool death sucks 13. what's up with homosexuals?: I DONT KNOW but lesbians are sure missin out on penis sex 14. necrophagy; misunderstood or excellent? explain:excellent, because i rock 15. list a word you are proud that you know: cum 16. suicide or murder?: death sucks 17. hot or cold?((hint: cold is the wrong answer)(: HOT 18. right or left brain?:idk left
19. post a photograph of yourself in your most intellectually stimulating, possibly nude, pose: this is all I have at the mo

"Questions" no one really cares about:
1. List your hobbies: do i have to: cheerleading and sex 2. Favourite Colour: sex 3. Favourite Animal((unicorns extra count!!!!!)(: sex ontop of unicorns 4. pet peeves: no sex 5. what is your stance on abortion?: idont care 6. do you remember ((insert random object from your childhood that you think makes you cooler for remembering it)( weren't those awesome?!:blue icecream truck 7. favourite number: auto answer 7 for hawt cools or 13 for smart deeps: 7
Talent Show!!:
Post a photograph of yourself doing the splits. whoever does the splits fastest wins! I DONT HAVE A PIC OF THAT RITE NOW, BUT ILL SEND ONE IN ASAP, MABEY NUDE, I FYOUR PATIENT
Now advertise for this community. A lot. Just short of "Spam". (insert community advertising photo here) GO TO THIS COMMUNITY ITS EFFING AWESOME AND YOU CAN HAVE SEX